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HackMaster ... wir werden nicht warm miteinander. Mal davon ab, dass jedes Kapitel mit übertrieben vollmundigen Versprechen daherkommt (und diese NICHT hält), finde ich die Regeln nicht bloß exorbitant crunchy (RoleMaster inkl. aller Companion plus Hausregeln wäre halbwegs vergleichbar), sondern auch unintuitiv und schwer umsetzbar.

Kenzer hat mit der Hacklopedia sicherlich eines der besten Monsterbücher auf den Markt gebracht. Die Grundregeln jedoch stoßen ab.

Alleine das Kampfkapitel ... uargs!

Leseprobe gefällig?

--- Zitat ---Combat is the ultimate and usually very finalmethod of dispute resolution in HackMaster.Because HackMaster battles are so lethal, char-acters typically only engage after other less dangerousmethods of solving differences fail or have been dis-missed as unlikely to succeed. Of course, experiencedplayers perform such dismissal in the wink of an eye,sometimes cleverly getting the drop on their foes, othertimes accidentally butchering someone with an impor-tant bit of information that could have been gleanedpeacefully. However, this chapter’s not about advisingyou on how to avoid such pitfalls; it’s about helping youlearn enough about the combat rules to avoid gettingyour hide flayed by goblins or your skull staved in bypassing ruffians five minutes after rolling up your shinynew character.Some folks say that battles aren’t all that central toHackMaster. Indeed, it’s a multifaceted game withmany other fascinating elements such as engagingNPCs in meaningful discourse, gaining knowledge ofexciting new peoples, locations and things, discoveringand mapping new lands and so on. This author won’twaste the space in these exalted pages to ponder such arhetorical topic.  After all, it doesn’t take a bloody geniusto notice that most of those other topics don’t have anentire freakin’ chapter devoted to them, do they? Onthe other hand, there are those who'd tell you that bat-tle is the be-all and end-all, melee is glory and combatis the most important thing in HackMaster. I’m hereto tell you that the players trying to sell you such non-sense are nothing but inexperienced rubes. Engaging incombat is not the most important thing in HackMas-ter; it’s a weak third behind survivingand, most im-portantly, winningcombat!Your careful study of this chapter will help you livethrough and ultimately win most violent HackMastersituations. By learning the nuances herein, you’ll dra-matically improve your character’s chances of ... bla bla

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--- Zitat ---Let’s cut to the chase – you bought a game namedHackMaster, so you’re probably interested in learningjust how to hack an opponent.  In this section, we’llcover the bare bones. I strongly recommend that yougain familiarity with these rules before adding all theothers – surprise/initiative, ranged fire, unarmed fight-ing, and so on. Chances are you’ve spent most of yourroleplaying career playing vastly inferior games withrules that make little sense.  But you’re used to what-ever inane rules-set you’ve been playing. So anythingnew, no matter how much simpler and more sensiblewill seem difficult at first. So let’s take it slow and notadd every rule and option available in this section untilyou’ve mastered the first few.  Soon enough, you’llcome to realize that HackMaster, while far more real-istic and with many more options for rich play thanyour old game, is actually easier and far, far, FAR,smoother running than your current game. Trust me,one day you’ll be playing and realize ‘Holy mackerel, Ican’t believe I ever thought that other nonsensical, compli-cated mess was actually better than HackMaster – heck, it’snot even in the same league!’

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... aber es lässt mich nicht los  >;D

Hat was vom Stockholm Syndrom.

Das illustrierte Kampfbeispiel wiederum schlägt wirklich alles, was man von den bekannten D&D Versionen und Derivaten gewohnt ist.

Ich halte euch auf dem Laufenden und benenne den Thread mal um.

Wundervolle Anekdote:

--- Zitat ---BA has ruled that since the goblins were hiding out of sight at thebeginning of the combat there was no need for an Observation skillcheck.  Furthermore, since Brian is still surprised and his attention is likelydrawn to the ongoing combat, he is already looking the wrong wayand thus didn’t get a skill check.  Note: this is purely a GM decision.  There’s no right or wrong inthese types of situations and BA has used his best common sense torule in order to ensure fair game play. Despite Brian’s protests and whining — at the end of the day theGameMaster is always right and he must ultimately concede thepoint.

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1980 or what??

There is no right or wrong, but the gamemaster is always right

Aha  :headbang:

Lese ich daraus, dass das Monster Blickrichtungen regelt, oder ist das nur Fluff + Spielleiterwillkür? :o

D. M_Athair:

--- Zitat von: Luxferre am 29.05.2016 | 21:54 ---Alter, das System ist deutlich, DEUTLICH komplexer, als PF und Co. Testspiel definitiv ausgeschlossen.
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Nachdem ich mir diverse Rezensionen und Diskussionen zu Hackmaster 5th angeschaut habe, ist das so eine Art Quintessenz:

--- Zitat ---The rules seem daunting at first, but once you have a few games under your belt they start becoming second nature and feel far more fluid than most other d20 games I've played. I find myself now having to refer to the rule books mid-game far less than I ever did with D&D or Pathfinder.
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