The Agent: You have had ample experience in the army or police work. You now work for Starfleet.
Example characters: Malcolm Reed, Tuvok
The Alien: Your kind has not been seen on the show. You are the odd one out.
Example characters: Neelix, Phlox, Odo
The Boomer: Life on a starship isn't an extraordinary thing to you. It can be dangerous sure, but at least you don't get earthquakes. Of course, Starfleet has some pretty fine ships.
Example characters: Travis Mayweather, B'Elanna Torres
The Career Officer: You always wanted to be in Starfleet.
Example characters: Benjamin Sisko, Harry Kim, Pavel Chekov, Nog
The Former Enemy: Your people haven't been allies to the Federation for long. If they are at all. But for some reason or other, you have ended up with them. Did your people throw you out? Or were you looking for greener pastures?
Example characters: Garak, T'Pol, Worf
The Maverick: The galaxy is big and you go boldly.
Example characters: James T. Kirk, Thomas Eugene Paris, Jadzia Dax, Jonathan Archer
The Normal: You like your work, you like the people. Oh, yeah, you are in Starfleet.
Example characters: Leonard McCoy, Geordie LaForge, Miles O'Brien
Politician: Starfleet and the Federation are not a cause to themselves. You strive for the betterment of all - or the very least for your people.
Example characters: Jean-Luc Picard, Chakotay
The Researcher: Starfleet has the best resources and attracts all the greatest minds. - Including you.
Example characters: Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir, Kathryn Janeway
The Primitive: The place you were born at is a backwater to the larger galaxy at best, a cesspool at worst. You got out of there, but can you ever leave it behind? - Or should you go back?
Example characters: Natasha Yar, Ro Laren, Kira Nerys
The Sensitive: You enjoy people, but new life and new civilisations? Even better!
Example characters: Deanna Troi, Kes, Ezri Dax, Hoshi Sato
The Superior: You are not like them. Some say, you are more. But for now, you are with them.
Example characters: Spock, Data, Seven of Nine
The Brat: You didn't choose to be here, your parents brought you. Or left you...
Example characters: Wesley, Icheb, Jake, Naomi