Es gibt da noch ein Nachfolge RPG von CJ Carellas WitchCraft / Unisystem. Eine mögliche Zukunftsversion von WitchCraft, nennt sich Armageddon ( (the end times), ist aber soweit ich weiß OOP.
Dort kehrt der Anti-Christ auf die Erde zurück und sorgt für Chaos. Je nach Powerlevel kann man dann Menschen, Halbgötter oder Engel/Dämonen spielen. Könnte ins Beuteschema passen ...
Armageddon is one of those tales, a game where warriors meet to decide the fate of humankind. It is a time of heroic deeds, but also a time of doubt and fear, where every belief and certainty is challenged.
Angels and demons walk the Earth, but their apocalyptic struggle has been somehow pre-empted by another, more fundamental conflict. Ancient foes must bury their grudges and join forces, and even work together with humans-the sinful, apparently weak and powerless humans who are the key to victory. As the world is wracked by war, humans and supernatural beings must fight for their very existence.
Armageddon can be played many different ways. It can be a game of action, with players assuming the roles of soldiers in the trenches of 21st century warfare, mystical conflict, or guerrilla wars against a superior foe. It can be a game of modern myth, with heroic demigods or incarnated angels joining in the struggle. It can be a setting for horror stories, where a seductive, overwhelming evil is steadily taking over the world and corrupting the souls of everyone it touches. Players can take on the roles of normal men and women making a stand for the fate of humankind, or magicians and heroic mortals, or god-like beings confronting a darker, and greater, power