Ich komm ja schon :)
Mit Charaktererschaffung u.Ä. habe ich mich noch nicht befasst (betrifft mich als Dauer-SL auch eher am Rande ;D).
Was XP angeht, werde ich da tendentiell den Hahn spürbar aufdrehen und das Steigern von Stats mit gleichen Kosten wie Role Abilities erlauben.
Das Netrunning muss ich mir auch noch mal in Ruhe zu Gemüte führen.
Im Spoiler ist meine aktuelle Liste (englisches Regelwerk, englische Hausregeln).
Hauptsächlich will ich damit die Tödlichkeit hochschrauben, das Verhältnis von Feuer und Bewegung in Richtung Feuer verschieben und generell mehr Kampfverlauf in eine Runde bekommen.
Als Randerscheinung kommen ein paar Hä?-Stellen weg und manches mache ich mir noch etwas einfacher/stromlinienförmiger.
Ditch the suppressive fire rule.
Drop the second Golden Rule of Cover "If they have line of sight on you, you aren't in cover."
It is assumed that you expose so little of yourself and/or are mobile enough behind your cover that there is no good opportunity to shoot you without the cover protecting you.
In turns where you look or shoot out of your cover, a successful headshot will ignore cover.
Explosions do not blow through cover with their full damage value when the cover is destroyed.
Subtract cover HP from damage as with other attacks.
Armor does not degrade with damage.
Increase all firearm and melee weapon damage by 1d6.
This includes base damage for Autofire (including shotgun shells), which is now 3d6.
Increase all firearm ROF values from medium pistol to (and including) sniper rifle by 1.
(To clarify: ROF includes Autofire, so SMGs, heavy SMGs, assault rifles and shotguns can use Autofire twice in a round)
Drop Autofire DV; use the regular DV for the weapon instead.
When using shotgun shells, shotguns get the equivalent of Autofire (3) and can only shoot in this mode.
This "autofire" is based on the Shoulder Arms skill, uses a single shell, has the same DV as a slug shot and range ends at 50 m.
Aimed Shots can be done at full ROF (but still not with autofire).
Armor-piercing ammunition halves armor (round up) and reduces damage by 1d6.
Dropping a corpse shield does not cost an action.
A corpse shield has 2x BOD as HP.
Bulletproof shields have 20 HP.
When using melee weapons, add your unarmed damage dice (brawling or martial arts) to weapon damage.
Armor is not halved in any sort of melee or unarmed combat.
Mounted bayonets are heavy melee weapons.
Brawling is ROF 2, including Grappling.
Instead of breaking up the Grapple, a Defender may use a successful Grappling roll to become the Attacker in a Grapple.
Characters reduced to less than 1 HP (but set to 1 HP as per RAW) by a stun gun, a stun baton or rubber bullets suffer all effects of being mortally wounded except for the death save being a combat ineffectiveness save (which might, but does not have to include unconsciousness).
A follow-up hit with a lethal attack turns this into a regular death check.