
Pen & Paper - Rollenspiel => Pen & Paper - Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: 1of3 am 8.07.2006 | 13:07

Titel: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 1of3 am 8.07.2006 | 13:07

Ich muss noch mal diese Seite (http://slithytoves.sytes.net/~dave/rpggen/) hinweisen. - Wie ich finde, eine ganz wunderbare Zeitsenke.

The PCs are crafty prime numbers in a fabulous candy factory who, with low prices and great selection, fight the National Rifle Association for hostages until an earthquake destroys everything.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Haukrinn am 8.07.2006 | 13:17
Cooool!  ;D

The PCs are Hindu peasants living in a trailer who, with metal folding chairs, fight henchmen, minions and mooks for smokes every now and then.

oder noch besser

The PCs are tap-dancing nuns exploring a deserted spacecraft who, with small, fluffy animals, fight religious zealots for mates in the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. – 220 A.D.).
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Dash Bannon am 8.07.2006 | 13:26
The PCs are obsessive-compulsive performance artists with enormous breasts who, with ballistic missiles, fight a hive mind for booze as the band plays on.

das war ein Zufall....
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Scorpio am 8.07.2006 | 13:28
The PCs are perfectly cromulent mummies in the Yukon who, with large wrenches, fight ninjas for whiskey and wenches and learn how to love again.

Klingt reizvoll  ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Vale waan Takis am 8.07.2006 | 13:29
Sehr geil  ~;D


The PCs are modern-day battlemech pilots in love who, with ray guns, fight back tears for redemption because honor demands it.

oder der

The PCs are fun-loving princesses breaking into the Louvre who, with stem cells, fight Stalin for Queen and country in the last century.

Und das kann ich mir fast vorstellen

The PCs are hip, ironic insects in a rock band who, with Swiss army knives, fight nonbelievers for whiskey and wenches on the wildest camping trip ever!

So genug geqouted  :)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Cycronos am 8.07.2006 | 13:44
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Stahlfaust am 8.07.2006 | 13:56
The PCs are rampaging n00bies on unicycles who, with no respect for authority, fight the RIAA for hourly wages (plus tips) before anyone else thinks of doing it.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Skele-Surtur am 8.07.2006 | 17:15
Sick.  :-\
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Apfelkuchenwoche am 8.07.2006 | 17:29
The PCs are huge, hulking detectives in church who, with metal folding chairs, fight a brain in a tank for Freedom because it's what all the cool kids are doing.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Vale waan Takis am 9.07.2006 | 13:48
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D

Das würde allerdings jeden ernsthaften Beitrag von vbornherein ausschließen. Nur weil es diesmal überdurchschnittlich vil Ulk bei der Challenge gab sollte man hier nicht verallgemeinern  ;)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Cyberdance am 12.07.2006 | 13:14
Ich könnte schwören, das ich in einer dieser Sessions schon war...

The PCs are mismatched scuba divers aboard a hideously-beweaponed starcruiser who, with a lot of trial and error, fight the Terrible Zodin for sexual gratification because today is a good day to die.

The PCs are unintentionally hilarious heroes in the ghetto who, with a vast arsenal of weapons, fight robots bent on destroying humanity for Jesus in a chilling vision of the future.

The PCs are one-note go-go dancers on a rocket to the moon who, with a knockout ad campaign, fight robots for beads and trinkets until their true foe reveals himself.

"Mommy, the scary script knows my game..."
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Bad Horse am 12.07.2006 | 13:22
Ist ja zu geil...

In this RPG... the PCs are glow-in-the-dark undertakers in over their heads who, with karate, fight a monolithic corporation that may or may not be based on Microsoft for the government and learn how to love again.

Klingt nach einer coolen Fernsehserie...


The PCs are futuristic elves (the kind that make shoes, though) operating powered exoskeletons who, with guns (and more guns), fight the mole people for the last time at dawn.

Irgendwie kann ich mir die sogar vorstellen...  :D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Mc666Beth am 12.07.2006 | 13:27
The PCs are sexy, single children (in name only) who, with plasma rifles, fight mutants for gems and jewels while America prays for their safety.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Don Kamillo am 12.07.2006 | 13:36
The PCs are superstar nuns by day and high-class hookers by night who, with snappy one-liners, fight stubborn grass stains for a mysterious unseen boss after school.

Hooray, wir bekämpfen Flecken...  ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 12.07.2006 | 13:38
The PCs are meddling teenagers at a slumber party who, with a lack of common sense, fight the National Rifle Association for a paycheck over and over again.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 12.07.2006 | 13:41
The PCs are undercover Playboy bunnies in the path of a tornado who, with a set of steak knives, fight others of their kind for their corporate sponsors after diplomacy fails.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Blizzard am 12.07.2006 | 13:46
The PCs are omnipotent spies in a world where nothing is as it seems who, with sass and style, fight skinheads for humanity under false pretenses.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Ein am 12.07.2006 | 14:21
The PCs are hilarious sports fans chosen by lottery who, with ultra-violence, fight their android duplicates for the Championship Belt in a star-spanning saga.


The PCs are old-fashioned jerks running from the law who, with a wacky sidekick, fight traitors for a quick buck behind closed doors.

Sicherlich auch. ;D

The PCs are sexy celebrities in the deep jungle who, with not-so-clever disguises, fight the people responsible for "New Coke" for what is right in a time of legends.

Das ist schon fast klassisch. ;)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Smendrik am 12.07.2006 | 20:32
The PCs are huge, hulking millionaires with prehensile tails who, with a little stealth and a little piano wire, fight the ACLU for control of the town on a dark and stormy night.

Das kann ich mir auch irgendwie vorstellen  ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 1of3 am 13.07.2006 | 21:37
Als würde das Prog die Schlagzeilen lesen....

The PCs are transforming Puritans lost in the desert who, with thermonuclear weapons, fight George W. Bush for a hobby...but this time, it's personal!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Jens am 13.07.2006 | 23:24
Jo die Seite ist absolut cool, das Script oder die Datenquellen würd ich gern mal sehen... sehr genial :D

BTW Quote darf nicht fehlen: The PCs are goth historians in wheelchairs who, with vorpal blades, fight a giant head for a hobby in the Pleistocene Era. :D ~;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Rauthorim am 14.07.2006 | 22:35
In this RPG the PCs are noble penguins in Victorian England who, with samurai swords, fight a brain in a tank for the secret to The DaVinci Code until a compromise is reached.

Ich versuche mir das gerade Bildlich vorzustellen, also die Pinguine. :d
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Edler Baldur am 16.07.2006 | 11:36
The PCs are immortal aborigines in a cardboard box who, with no mercy, fight a dark conspiracy for an encore, all in haiku.

Das könnte sogar interessant sein :D

MfG Edler Baldur
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Skele-Surtur am 17.07.2006 | 08:56
The PCs are hotshot artists in a rock band who, with just a pinch of salt, fight the Devil (only she's a chick) for valuable coupons once upon a time.

...das spottet einfach jeden Kommentars.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Das Grauen am 25.09.2008 | 07:02
The PCs are messianic dolphins on a space station who, with two-handed swords, fight you-know-who for subway tokens so little Timmy can have the operation that will save his life.

Messianic Dolphins   ~;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Darkling ["beurlaubt"] am 25.09.2008 | 07:12
Großartig, klingt nach einem guten Plot für Last Exodus!  ;D

Dqavon ab:
The PCs are naughty hobbits who are on fire and who, with subtitles for the hard-of-hearing, fight bullies for sex...and somebody's responsible!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Crazee am 25.09.2008 | 07:57
So kann man auch die "1000 Abenteuerideen in einem Satz" voll bekommen...
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Sillium am 25.09.2008 | 08:49
The PCs are rogue AIs who've crash-landed on a mysterious moon who, with subtitles for the hard-of-hearing, fight mobsters for secret plans...but everything changes when a mysterious stranger arrives on their doorstep.

sehr geil! das kann ich mir echt vorstellen...  :d

The PCs are seizure-inducing cheerleaders acting as judge, jury, and executioner who, with rocket-propelled grenades, fight Hitler's preserved brain for cookies because they can.

auch sehr geil... cheerleader-diktatoren, die einem diktator-gehirn cookies klauen, WEIL SIE ES KÖNNEN  ~;D ~;D ~;D

The PCs are mechanical con artists aboard a sailing ship who, with rocket-propelled grenades, fight slave traders for children during choir practice.

is schon ne seehr kuule seite... roflmao....
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Boba Fett am 25.09.2008 | 09:47
The PCs are a bloodthirsty mob of parapsychologists on probation who, with ultra-violence, fight a rebel faction for college credit and the next thing you know, everything's on fire.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Ein am 25.09.2008 | 10:37
Klingt nach The Roo.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Boni am 25.09.2008 | 10:51
The PCs are loose cannon nuns in Purgatory who, with social engineering, fight corporate fatcats for the fate of planet Earth in slow-motion.

 :o... Das will ich spielen!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Friedensbringer am 25.09.2008 | 11:03
ideal für die Challange würd ich sagen ^^ solange refreshen bis eines der schlagwörter vorkommt, und dann daraus ein 72hRPG machen... harhar, die nächste challange kann kommen ^^ ~;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Skele-Surtur am 25.09.2008 | 13:43
The PCs are hideously ugly tomb raiders from a lost civilization who, with terrible aim, fight predators for whiskey and wenches and save the day.

Grauenhaft hässliche Grabräuber einer verlorenen Zivilisation die mit miserablen Schießkünsten <=(hier bin ich mir nicht sicher) Raubtiere für Whiskey und Weiber bekämpfen... das würde ich glatt leiten  ~;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 1of3 am 25.09.2008 | 13:50
terrible könnte auch heißen, dass sie besonders gut schießen und die Gegner in Schrecken versetzen. Deine Interpretation geht aber auch.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 8t88 am 25.09.2008 | 13:56
The PCs are aimless celebrities in schoolgirl uniforms who, with laser swords, fight their sworn nemesis for fame and glory until the end of the world.
Sailermoon meet Star Wars?
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Skele-Surtur am 25.09.2008 | 13:58
The PCs are washed-up computer hackers miles from civilization who, with samurai swords, fight the Devil himself for fame and glory in olden days.

The PCs are rude kings like you've never seen before who, with boundless joy, fight assassins for cheap thrills. From there, events proceed as expected.

The PCs are cold, unfeeling interior decorators in a beseiged castle who, with artistic talent, fight their basest desires for reasons of their own when it's brought to their attention.

The PCs are loudmouth rappers of questionable morality who, with sniper rifles, fight government corruption for charity in this heartwarming tale of friendship.

Die vier sind ja noch besser! Ich muss jetzt aufhören, sonst spam ich noch das ganze Thema voll und zwar bis heute um Mitternacht! Ist die Seite geil!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 6 am 25.09.2008 | 14:07
The PCs are remarkably stupid monsters backpacking in Europe who, with rude gestures, fight the Devil himself for the Eye of Vecna as is the way of their people.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Felixino am 25.09.2008 | 14:31
The PCs are psychic pigs in a hollowed-out asteroid who, with only themselves to blame, fight Dracula for the kids as often as possible.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Feuersänger am 25.09.2008 | 18:47
Aus dem hier könnt man doch was machen:

The PCs are hell-raising office workers in a bustling metropolis who, with a wacky sidekick, fight intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic for a mysterious unseen boss...and you can imagine the rest.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: pharyon am 25.09.2008 | 19:01
Hmmm, nicht schlecht...

The PCs are obese waiters escorting a merchant caravan who, with a hilarious and talented NPC, fight Dracula for sex and they all live happily ever after.


The PCs are virgin athletes on the high seas who, with Big, Fraggin' Guns, fight kobolds for the fun of it in the 25th century.

oder ...

The PCs are a classic Holmesian double-act of dwarves on a space station who, with their can-do attitude, fight a crusty old authority figure for fabulous prizes in a cage grudge match.

Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Plansch-Ente am 25.09.2008 | 19:26
The PCs are enchanted bears brought together through mysterious circumstances who, with the mysterious floating head of Abe Lincoln, fight mutants for a panel of celebrity judges in the Paleozoic Era.

Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: ChristophDolge am 25.09.2008 | 19:33
Dann kommt doch bitte in Diesen Thread (http://tanelorn.net/index.php/topic,43602.msg823739.html#new) und sagt mir, was ich für eine Core-Story umsetzen soll. Einigermaßen Sinn machen sollte es - das Spiel soll ja auch Sinn machen. Aber grundsätzlich gilt: Je abgedrehter desto besser.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Don Kamillo am 25.09.2008 | 19:48
Ha, ich stelle mir ne W100-Liste zusammen und leite das mit Risus!
Auf was ich mich da wieder einlasse...
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Sillium am 25.09.2008 | 19:56
The PCs are delicate cows on a street corner who, with quarterstaffs, fight their inner demons for hostages like in that movie.

^^ You know... THAT movie... :D:D:D:D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Don Kamillo am 25.09.2008 | 20:01
The PCs are south-of-the-border ne'er-do-wells putting themselves through law school who, with a license to kill, fight their evil uncle for their alien captors to get into Harvard.

Yessssssssssss!  8)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Grummelwolf am 25.09.2008 | 20:58
The PCs are remote-controlled nerds drawn into a web of intrigue who, with assault rifles, fight their former superiors for Soylent Green until everything abruptly and inexplicably stops.

Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Imion am 25.09.2008 | 21:14
The PCs are reformed dwarves miles from civilization who, with a mop and a bucket, fight endless columns of space invaders for the sweet release of death every now and then.

Ein-Euro-Jobber?  ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: pharyon am 25.09.2008 | 21:24
Space Wire?
The PCs are suburban gangsters in a distant galaxy who, with spit and bailing wire, fight their former friends for victory but would rather be fishing.

Judge Booze?
The PCs are hairy-chested Supreme Court justices stuck in the mud who, with snappy one-liners, fight corporate wrongdoers for booze like we always knew they would.

Protozoon Babes?
The PCs are four-armed single-celled organisms in bikinis who, with irate letters, fight the Devil himself for zorkmids...and there'll be hell to pay!

Hach, das könnt ich stundenlang machen...  ::)

Ok, einer noch:
The PCs are gigantic nuns riding the "E" train who, with ten-thousand screaming warrior monks, fight racially-insensitive sports mascots for company secrets...and they're all out of bubble gum!
High Nuns!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: ChristophDolge am 25.09.2008 | 21:25
Ich sehe schon. 1of3 hat eindeutig Recht:

Wie ich finde, eine ganz wunderbare Zeitsenke.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Dash Bannon am 25.09.2008 | 21:40
The PCs are the world's worst action figures at a slumber party who, with guerilla warfare, fight others of their kind for secret plans in a simpler time.

Gurellia Taktiken auf ner Schlafanzuparty (oder was ist ne Slumber Party nochmal?) um "geheime Pläne" zu verwirklichen
großartig :D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Feuersänger am 25.09.2008 | 21:54
Na ich weiss nicht. Länger als 5 Minuten konnte mich das nicht fesseln.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: ChristophDolge am 25.09.2008 | 22:26
until they storm out in disgust.

Besonders diesen Teil ...
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Smendrik am 26.09.2008 | 01:17
The PCs are pistol-packing sandwiches surfing in Hawaii who, with broken bottles, fight the Devil himself for reasons of their own. Based on the novel by Jane Austen. 


The PCs are remarkably stupid bartenders on the wrong side of the law who, with spit and bailing wire, fight snuff film producers for profit in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are lactose intolerant Trekkies all living in the same apartment complex who, with two-by-fours, fight slave traders for charity because honestly, what else are they going to do?

Den letzten könnt ich mir so gar richtig vorstellen  ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Yvo am 30.09.2008 | 14:42
The PCs are the world's worst explorers waiting in line for a movie who, with nothing on except a smile, fight each other for doubloons because honestly, what else are they going to do?
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: ragnar am 30.09.2008 | 15:18
The PCs are grim and gritty starship captains in hotpants who, with rhythmic gymnastics, fight Stalin for the One True Faith and the next thing you know, everything's on fire.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Niniane am 30.09.2008 | 16:17
Auch nett:

The PCs are evil conquistadors balancing family and career who, with crossbows, fight flying monkeys for the glory of Rome in 2150 A.D.

The PCs are humorless folk singers atop a mountain who, with grace and dignity, fight the Great Old Ones for an unlimited expense account in the Ice Age.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: 1of3 am 30.09.2008 | 16:35
The PCs are humorless folk singers atop a mountain who, with grace and dignity, fight the Great Old Ones for an unlimited expense account in the Ice Age.

Sollte ich nochmal Magus: Die Erleuchtung spielen, kann man das auf jeden Fall hervorragend für eine Turmspitze benutzen.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Don Kamillo am 1.10.2008 | 22:27
The PCs are mild-mannered Lego minifigures in a Playboy pictorial who, with brass knuckles, fight OPEC for lack of anything better to do until they have a change of heart.

Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Timo am 1.10.2008 | 22:48
The PCs are Disco-dancing valkyries running for Congress who, with cellular phones, fight otherworldly doppelgangers for a fraternity initiation in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are alcoholic barnyard animals of various sizes who, with Venusian aikido, fight like, a million ninjas for market shares (weather permitting).

Ich könnte schwören schonmal eine solche Shadowrunkampagne geleitet zu haben...
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Smendrik am 1.10.2008 | 22:59
The PCs are Disco-dancing valkyries running for Congress who, with cellular phones, fight otherworldly doppelgangers for a fraternity initiation in the Jurassic Period.

The PCs are alcoholic barnyard animals of various sizes who, with Venusian aikido, fight like, a million ninjas for market shares (weather permitting).

Ich könnte schwören schonmal eine solche Shadowrunkampagne geleitet zu haben...

Könntest du dann bitte, bitte so eine Runde am Treffen wiederholen..? ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: pharyon am 2.10.2008 | 16:02
The PCs are orthodox slayers at Disneyworld who, with their power to control the weather, fight clowns for the last time after school.

The PCs are tap-dancing superheroes on a space station who, with Swiss army knives, fight the Devil himself for electrum pieces, but nobody seems to care.

The PCs are underground jewel thieves by day and crime-fighting vigilantes by night who, with shoulder-mounted missile launchers, fight this one guy for the One Ring...and one will die!

The PCs are Lego elves (or so they claim) who, with the power of friendship, fight their rivals for the Stanley Cup in a big misunderstanding.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Timo am 3.10.2008 | 20:49
The PCs are unintentionally hilarious celebrities stuck in a pit who, with chainsaws, fight off unwanted advances for gold because honestly, what else are they going to do?

The PCs are reality-warping asteroid miners jumping in and out of an infinity of parallel dimensions who, with kung fu, fight flying monkeys for the hell of it in a tragic tale of loss.

The PCs are primitive polygons who have been handcuffed together and who, with orbital mind-contol lasers, fight bullies for smokes because today is a good day to die.
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: diogenes am 4.10.2008 | 00:24
The PCs are kinky bikers attending a magical boarding school who, with torches and pitchforks, fight whoever they want to for the last time as part of a conceptual art project.

Harry Potter in Bizarro-World  wtf?
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Smendrik am 4.10.2008 | 23:34
The PCs are unlikely Amazons in hotpants who, with a punch to the babymaker, fight random passersby for the government in fin-de-siecle Vienna.

Noch nie war der Block in der Maschine so logisch ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: reinecke am 5.10.2008 | 00:22
Wäre das nichtmal was für die GFF-Challenge?
Oder eine pseudo-Challenge? A la: zeigt uns mal, was für Müll ihr innerhalb von 48 Stunden zu einem RPG verarbeiten könnt!  ~;D
Das FERA ist sich für nichts zu schade... (http://www.dasfera.de/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2228)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: jcorporation am 5.10.2008 | 00:38
Das FERA ist sich für nichts zu schade... (http://www.dasfera.de/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=2226)
Traut euch doch mitzumachen!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: jcorporation am 5.10.2008 | 01:09
Warum nicht? Jeder darf teilnehmen!
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: ChristophDolge am 5.10.2008 | 01:24
Schade, ich darf auch nicht teilnehmen. Und die bisherigen Teilnehmerinnen haben offenbar die Regeln nicht gelesen ;-)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: reinecke am 5.10.2008 | 01:26
(Kann man diesmal auf eine Erklärung hoffen, wieso hier eine Abkehr stattgefunden hat?)
Liegt an mir. Mir ist's halt so lieber? Bin ich deshalb ein Teufel? Oder der Wettbwerb schlecht?
aber es wird offtopic :D

p.s.: wusste gar nicht, dass es eine "hinwendung" zum generischen Maskulin gab...
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Ionflux am 5.10.2008 | 05:00

Macht doch einfach mit und gut is! ;D
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: jcorporation am 5.10.2008 | 22:35
der wettbewerb ist mitten in der planung, also kann die anmeldung noch garnicht zu spät sein :)
Titel: Re: In this RPG...
Beitrag von: Village Idiot am 6.10.2008 | 00:20

The PCs are the last surviving chickens wearing a variety of silly hats who, with their winning smiles, fight Stalin for Snausages until it's time to go home.

Hmm - ich glaub ich muß mich auch im FERA anmelden.  ~;D