Pen & Paper - Rollenspiel => Pen & Paper - Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: Hróđvitnir (Carcharoths Ausbilder) am 9.03.2010 | 18:57
Ich weiß nicht, ob es hier richtig ist, von der Pinnacle Homepage:
In a bit of bad news, Cheyenne Wright, an illustrator and artist who's worked with Pinnacle since the very beginning, has run into some health problems. While we don't have all the medical details, it's pretty likely that the robust insurance provided to freelance artists (ahem, cough, cough) isn't really up to the task of modern medical testing. With that in mind, we're offering two Cheyenne Wright Savage Tales Bundles for the next week. Each bundle includes half of our current Savage Tales PDFs for only $19.99, with the proceeds going directly to Cheyenne's medical expenses.
For those of you in a more directly generous mood, we've added the Cheyenne Wright $5 Donation item to the Pinnacle listings at the Studio 2 Publishing web store. Buy it once, twice, or as often as you like. Studio 2 Publishing has agreed to absorb the processing costs, so your full $5 donations will be sent directly to Cheyenne.
Produktlink. (http://www.studio2publishing.com/shop/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=cheyenne+savage+tales&osCsid=551e8645179f68aad71f880c697e6823&x=13&y=8)
Ja um Gottes Willen, was hat der arme Kerl denn?
Er hat keine "richtige" Krankenversicherung.
EDIT mehr wird auch nicht publik gemacht