
Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme => Fate => Dresden Files => Thema gestartet von: Nin am 5.07.2010 | 17:38

Titel: Verkaufszahlen von Dresden Files
Beitrag von: Nin am 5.07.2010 | 17:38
One Quarter Worth of Dresden Files Sales
By Fred Hicks | Published: 2 Jul 2010 (Friday)

So we’re done with the second quarter of 2010. Somewhere past the middle of this month I’ll cough up some real numbers on our sales overall for you data-hounds to chew on. But first, a preamble.

Back at the beginning of the Dresden Files RPG preorder in April, I decided to track daily sales data — at least as expressed through our web-store. It’s been an interesting ride, one that’s now over as I don’t intend to keep tracking day to days from here on out. I’ll share the data and some pretty graphs down below after the cut.

What’s perhaps more exciting, though, is that once we add in the distributor and direct-to-retail orders we’ve processed, DFRPG sales on each volume are in the mid-4000′s — around 75% of what we printed in the first print run. That’s major news because of another statistic I’ve been tracking across the years — Spirit of the Century’s sales numbers. With PDF and print sales combined, SOTC was just a bit past 5,000 units sold (before this quarter’s numbers get added in).  It took SOTC since the latter part of 2006 to get to that figure, about 3 and a half years. Dresden Files, meanwhile, has gotten within striking distance of that figure in three months — and with an aggregate price-point between the two volumes that’s three times what SOTC’s cover price is. Huge, huge, huge.

Granted, I have a fat check to write Jim Butcher for his royalties, a $60,000 loan to repay, and probably a $40,000-or-so reprint run (for about 3000 copies of each volume) on the nearish horizon, but I’m at ease because (once the preorder shipments wrap up and I can demonstrate their shipment to PayPal) the money we’ve been drawing in through the Evil Hat webstore pretty much covers all that. The checks that’ll roll in from the distributors in about a month will get to go right into the profit coffer.  Rob’s and my taxes will be real interesting this year, I have a feeling.

Den Text und die dazugehörigen Diagramme gibt's hier: http://www.deadlyfredly.com/2010/07/one-quarter-worth-of-dresden-files-sales/
Titel: RE: Verkaufszahlen von Dresden Files
Beitrag von: Deep_Flow am 13.10.2010 | 17:40
Habe gerade diesen Link im D&D Kanal gefunden:

Verkaufszahlen Rollenspiele (http://www.icv2.com/articles/news/18504.html)

Dresden Fils ist bei den Verkaufszahlen von Rollenspiel im 3. Quartal diesen Jahres auf Platz 5 hinter den üblichen Verdächtigen gelandet  ;D
Titel: RE: Verkaufszahlen von Dresden Files
Beitrag von: Oberkampf am 13.10.2010 | 22:18
Warhammer Fantasy hätte ich nie zu den "üblichen Verdächtigen" gezählt (obwohl es mich natürlich freut :)