Ich überlege, ob es möglich (und nützlich) wäre, eine "Einführungsvariante" des Fight!-Systems zu haben, mit vielleicht 4 oder 5 Manövern anstatt des ganzen Umfanges, und die dann bei Gelegenheit einzuführen.
Ein ausführlicher Vergleich BW<>MG<>BE kommt wohl,
Ui, da freu ich mich drauf!
Every time you make an Orc, you are birthing the product of a brutal, callous society, beholden to hatred and focused on unreasoning revenge.
Oliof wird sicher irgendwann genauer darauf eingehen, aber für die ungeduldigen, Englisch begabten, sich über den Link nicht bewusst seienden:
A player with Black Market wise may want to make some illicit purchases, the GM hadn't planned for a black market in this particular city, but the player with such a skill can narrate the existence of one based on a successful role.
TSOY is about being an empowered agent of change in the world. You believe in things and they fuel your drive to change the world. You grow and transform yourself until you transcend the world and leave it behind. Also, deep down, TSOY is about love.
Burning Wheel is the struggle. You are driven by your beliefs to risk everything; to suffer, to endure, to battle against all odds. You're empowered to strive. At it's heart, BW is about perseverance.