OK, now it's time for everyone's favorite piece of cheese - the Artjer Cleric. I've drawn on elements from FRCS, Tome and Blood, and Defenders of the Faith. Everything else, including the character's race - comes directly from the Core Books.
For the purpose of this discussion, the Character will be a Lawful Good:
Cleric 6/ Church Inquisitor 3/ Divine Disciple 2/ Contemplative 6/ Sacred Exorcist 3
Race: Grey Elf
Domains: Elf, War, Inquisition, Exorcism, Mysticism, Time, Plant
Feats: Point Blank Shot*, Weapon Focus: Longbow*, Improved Initiative*, Extend Spell, Extra Turning*, Rapid Shot, Precise Shot, Persistant Spell, Power attack, Divine Might, Empower Spell
Str 9 (18)
Dex 21 (25-31)
Con 13 (17-23)
Int 15 (17)
Wis 28 (34)
Cha 16 (24-28)
Spell Slots:
1st: 8+1
2nd: 8+1
3rd: 8+1
4th: 8+1
5th: 6+1
6th: 6+1
7th: 6+1
8th: 6+1
9th: 5+1
Spell Usage per day:
1st: Endure Elements: all 5.
2nd: Undetectable Alignment
3rd: Water Breathing, x2 Extended Deathwatch (twice)
4th: Extended Magic Vestment (Shield), Extended Magic Vestment (Tower Shield), Extended Magic Vestment (Armor), Extended Spikes (morningstar)
5th: Persist Divine Favor, Extended GMW (Bow), Extended GMW (Arrows), Persist Entropic Shield, Extended GMW (morningstar)
6th: Extended x2 Empowered Cat's Grace (Domain Slot- Rod), Persist Speak with Animals, Wind Walk
7th: Extended x2 Empowered Eagle's Splendor (+4-10 charisma), Extended x2 Empowered Endurance (+4-10 Constitution), Persist Blessed Aim, Extended x5 Barkskin (domain slot), Persist Speak with Plants
8th: Persist Divine Power, Persist Weapon of Diety, Persist Repel Vermin, Persist Freedom of Movement, Extended Foresight (Domain Slot- Rod), Extended x5 Magic Circle Against Evil
9th: x2 Extended Foresight (Domain Slot- Rod), x5 Extended Tongues, x5 Extended Deathward, x5 Extended Air Walk
+1 Animated Darkwood Tower Shield (9630)
+1 Animated Steel Shield of Speed and Command (64170)
+1 Mithril Chain Shirt of Greater Fortification (37300)
+1 Mighty Darkwood Longbow of Shock, Fire and Frost (32730)
100 +1 darkwood arrows of spell storing (16750)
50 +1 darkwood Ghost Touch Arrows (8375)
+5 Cloak of Resistance (25000)
Ring of Counterspells - Greater Dispelling (4000)
Ring of Protection +5 (50000)
Bracers of Archery (5100)
Rod of Greater Extension (48600)
Clear Ioun Stone (20000)
Quiver of Ehlonna (1800)
Periapt of Wisdom (36000)
Robe of Eyes (90000)
Tome of Understanding +4 (11000)
Tome of Leadership +3 (82500)
Payment for gate invoked wishes adding +1 to all stats (13200)
Karma Bead (5000)
Boots of Striding and Springing (6000)
Eyepatch of True Seeing (75000)
Gloves of Storing (4400)
Headband of Intellect +2 (4000)
10 Pearls of Power I (10000)
Darkwood Morningstar (388)
+1 Weapon Focus
+2 Morale
+6 Luck
+10 Enhancement
+2 Competance
+8 Dexterity
+20 BAB
+6 Luck
+10 Enhancement
+1 Competance
+8 Divine Might
+4 Strength
+5 Resistance
+8 Charisma
+3 Luck
+1 Competance
+2 Insight (Reflex Only)
15 Cover
+7 shield
+9 Armor
+5 Natural Armor
+6 Dexterity
+5 Deflection
+2 Insight
+4 Haste
10 Base
Ranged Attacks: +49, +47/+47/+42/+37/+32
Ranged Damage: d8+3d6+29 (average 44 19-20 threat, critical adds 2d8+58 average 110) + spell effect (such as 3d8+15 damage of inflicted wounds - 28.5 damage save for half)
Melee Attacks: +33, +33/+28/+23/+18
Melee Damage: d8+33 (average 37 19-20 threat)
Saves: Fort: +31, Ref: +25, Will: +36
AC: 63
Every morning prayer begins with the activation of the karma bead - meaning that each day's worth of prayers are at caster level 24. The first greater dispelling cast upon her is automatically dispelled, and since she is hasted at all times, restocking the ring of counterspells is a trivial matter.
She is immune to poison, death effects, charm effects, critical hits, alignment detection, surprise, flat-footedness, 6 HD or less vermin (including that generated by creeping doom), disease (even magical disease), and effects that restrict movement such as paralysis or hold.
She can breathe water or air, and can walk on earth and sky with impunity. She can see the invisible and in the dark and through illusions for 120 feet. She can assume cloud form or detect evil at will and is resistant to fire, acid, sonic, electricty and cold.
She can speak with plants, animals, or any creature which has a language, and has a diplomacy bonus of over +30. She can dispel illusions with a touch at will, and gains a +4 bonus on all dispelling checks. She is resistant to possessing entities - but that generally doesn't matter because she is constantly in a MCaE effect that prevents possession and bodily contact from extraplanar creatures.
She still has spells left over, and her Implosion has a not-inconsiderable Save DC of 31, but primarily she is a warrior and diplomat, leaving the "spellcasting" to wizards. Several of her stats are given a range, as they are based on multiply empowered enhancement spells that last for two days. I have assumed that between the two copies of each which are active on her at all times, she rolled at least a '2' on the d4 - obviously her stats would rise considerable were she to roll a 4 instead. Note Also: when engaging in melee she has to store her animated tower shield, which drops her AC - a lot.
PS: Her Spot bonus is very large, over +30 before adding any actual ranks to the skill.