The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps™ Preview Posted!
Hi there!
here for a 26 page preview of the upcoming Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps™, as mentioned in this month's Dragon Magazine. The free preview contains a number of sample traps from various chapters of the book as well as an index of all traps found in the book by name and by CR so you can see just how many traps there are in the book. It also includes sample art from the classic Grimtooth books by Steve Crompton!
Download it now or Grimmy might just pay you a visit!
Have fun!
Orcus' Little Helper
Schoen... da werden Erinnerungen an einige wirklich fiese Fallen wach...
Diesmal aber schoen nach D&D3.5-Regeln mit Schaeden, CRs und sonstigen Werten versehen.
Ich weiss schon was ich mir holen werde