Autor Thema: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?  (Gelesen 1184 mal)

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Kurze Frage in die Runde:

Ein Charakter bekommt einen Überaschungsangriff auf einen Gegner (S. 123 SW:GE) und hat gleichzeitig die Möglichkeit mehrere Angriffe zu machen. Würde er den Bonus von +4 Schaden / +4 Treffen auf alle Angriffe bekommen oder nur auf den ersten angriff (und nicht zum beispiel auf die folgenden Angriffe mit der Offhand)?

Offline Tsu

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Re: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?
« Antwort #1 am: 30.01.2011 | 12:52 »
Selber was gefunden...

Samurai wrote:
This came up in my game last night, so I thought I'd post the question here and see if there's an official answer.

How long does the Drop bonus last? Is it 1 attack, 1 character's turn, or until the victim gets a chance to act?

Let's say there are 2 people waiting in ambush for a 3rd person. They surprise him and get the Drop on him, and both of them happen to get better initiative cards than the victim.

Attacker 1 chooses to punch the victim twice. Multiple actions are considered to happen almost simultaneously, so would both attacks get the Drop bonus, or just the 1st one?

Attacker 2 then goes, and shoots the victim. The victim has not acted yet, so is he still "flat-footed" (to borrow a d20-ism), or has the surprise been spoiled by the 1st attacker?

Clint answered:
Well, as the book says, only the GM can really determine this, but I'll give my take of this situation.

The Drop wouldn't have applied at all.

The reason for that is in the example, the ambushers got "surprise," but it also says the defender was dealt in for initiative. That means the defender made their Notice roll against the surprise attack. (It also is a bit confusing as the ambushers would not be dealt cards; in a surprise situation, they always begin on Hold).

Regardless, the description of the The Drop says the character has to be "completely unaware" of the damger. In this case, the defender was not completely unaware; he made his Notice roll.

Now, if he had not made his Notice roll, then I would say since both attackers are on Hold and can attack simulaneously, then they would both get The Drop. Should one for some reason delay, then the GM could rule that the effect is lost as the target is no longer "completely unaware."

And yes, I would say the attacker would get the bonus on all attacks on his action if he has a way to take multiple attacks.

The Drop is very dangerous, but it should also be rather tricky to achieve.

Hope this helps.

Offline Odium

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Re: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?
« Antwort #2 am: 30.01.2011 | 13:31 »
Da die beiden Attacken ja quasi Gleichzeitig ausgeührt werden, finde ich den Bonus auf beide Angriffe gerechtfertigt.
Odiums Regel #1 zur Lösung von Problemen beim Rollenspiel: Redet miteinander!

Offline CaerSidis

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Re: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?
« Antwort #3 am: 30.01.2011 | 15:32 »
Nicht ganz dasselbe aber doch ähnlich deswegen kein neues Thema wert denke ich.

Wenn man Erstschlag hat und wegen 2 Waffen zweimal angreifen kann (die beiden notwendigen Talente vorausgesetzt, war glaub Beidhändigkeit und beidhändiger Kampf).

Darf man mit dem Erstschlag dann einmal angreifen oder mit jeder Waffe einmal?

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Re: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?
« Antwort #4 am: 30.01.2011 | 15:43 »
Im Buch steht "a free Fighting attack". Ich würde also sagen, eine Attacke. Jemandem ohne Beidhändig und Beidhändiger Kampf bekäme ja auch keine Chance auf ne Doppelaktion

Offline Tsu

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Re: [Regelfrage] Überaschungsangriff & 2 Angriffe?
« Antwort #5 am: 30.01.2011 | 16:24 »
Lord Lance wrote:
According the core rules, can I make a wild attack, while I'm executing my free Fighting attack from the First Strike? Or a Sweep attack?
Is this "First Strike fighting attack" generic, or can I aim to a specific body location, or use a disarm attack?

Clint answered:
First Strike only allows for a single attack; Edges like Sweep and Frenzy do not apply. Combat manuevers (such as a Called Shot or Disarm) could be used, but in general, I would recommend against the use of a Wild Attack as it has a round to round effect (lowered Parry). A GM might allow the bonus from Wild Attack if the character was still under the Parry restriction from using it on his previous action.

Lord Lance wrote:
Finally, this question is not so useful right now, but I'll need soon, surely... May I shoot with a small gun, like a pistol, with the First Strike, of course using enemy's Parry as target number? It's not properly a "Fighting" attack... (but in the Improved First Strike there is no mention to "Fighting", just "Attack": is this a typo, or you want this differentiation?)

Clint answered:
First Strike only applies to a "Fighting" attack, and Improved First Strike as well since it begins with "As above..." in reference to following all the rules of First Strike barring the exceptions specifically listed.