kann mir jemand diesen Abschnitt mal erläutern? Was genau passiert mit den Bennies? Wie funktioniert dann die Magie anschliessend?
To actually activate the power, the character has to spend a little of his own life force to connect
himself to the item. He also has to know specific Key Knowledges relevant to the item's history.
Ruleswise, this means the character has to spend a Benny and make a Spirit roll. Harnessing
additional powers may cost multiple Bennies - the player may spend all at once or one at a time to
activate the item, but all necessary Bennies have to be spent before the power can be accessed.
This section lists only a few items from my campaign, but it should give an idea on how to convert
other magic items to Savage Worlds.
Dank imk Voraus