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Interview auf DND Seite
« am: 27.09.2016 | 18:37 »
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Zitat von: ROLL REVERSAL Venture Beat Interview
How long have you been playing D&D?

Jason started playing in 1983. That was the year the TV series M*A*S*H went off the air, meaning he needed something new to fill that time slot. So why not a little Dungeons & Dragons? Jason describes himself as a “D&D player for life,” albeit a bit of a lapsed player (he’s currently only playing the Neverwinter MMORPG). But in response to my telling him that this absolutely counted as playing D&D, he acquiesced with the final answer: “I started playing in 1983, and plan to be a lifer.”

Roughly how many player characters have you had over the years?

Jason usually played the role of Dungeon Master, and although he’s done quite a bit of character creation for NPCs, he hasn’t had too many true PCs. Probably only five or six through the years.

What’s one of the coolest things one of your PCs has ever done?

Jason talked about playing in a game with two different characters—a priest and a fighter. Whenever the fighter died, the priest would cast animate dead so that they could both finish the adventure. Then they’d go to the next town and find someone to resurrect him.

(Especially given Jason’s description of himself as someone who doesn’t play too many characters, I thought this answer was great—or a plot to a potential new D&D sitcom. And don’t worry, legal team. I informed Jason that any awesome ideas shared while in the building became the property of Hasbro, and that he would be credited with “Special thanks to the many minions who made this possible.”)

If D&D were to become an Olympic sport, what would that event look like? (This was a fan-submitted question from the Internet, and I thought it was a great one. It also proved to be a challenge that really threw Jason for a loop . . .)

Although he didn’t have a specific answer, Jason did have some ideas about the competition. He knew it would be one of the slower-paced events at the Olympics. It would obviously be performed indoors, and the play environment would be a Geek Chic table, set up with painted minis and a panel of judges—Chris Perkins, Jeremy Crawford, and a third maybe-celebrity judge. Possibly Matt Mercer.

Knowing that you have kids, what’s your opinion as to the correct age for a child to first watch Star Wars? (And obviously, I mean starting with A New Hope, not Episode 1. And yes, it will be Machete Order.)

This proved to be an excellent question to ask, because Jason had already attempted this with one child at the age of four. His answer now is age six, and he has another child almost ready to take a second swing at this. As a geek dad, I think this is an important topic, and having brave dads go before me and sharing their wisdom is really helpful. I’m hoping my wife doesn’t read this, because Jason’s experience would suggest that she was right and I was wrong (based on our own conversation on the matter). But we shall see . . .

It has long been argued that The A-Team is a loose spinoff of Dungeons & Dragons. In your opinion, what would those characters’ classes be?

Jason started with the easiest, B.A. Baracus—a fighter. We could split hairs to push him toward barbarian or some other melee type, but let’s just agree—FIGHTER. He believed Face would be a bard, which makes sense (although I was thinking rogue myself, with a very high Charisma). John “Hannibal” Smith required a bit of discussion, which finally landed on a multiclass fighter/rogue with some sort of swashbuckler background (which sounds cool enough that it might just be my next character). The hardest one in my opinion was Murdock, but Jason confidently declared him to be a priest of Oghma.
Weswegen ich das poste?  Wegen zwei der Fragen, die ich hier ins Forum stelle:
1) What’s one of the coolest things one of your PCs has ever done?
Was ist das coolste, was einer deiner PCs je gemacht hat?
2) If D&D were to become an Olympic sport, what would that event look like?
Falls D&D Olympische Disziplin würde, wie würde es aussehen?
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Offline Glühbirne

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Re: Interview auf DND Seite
« Antwort #1 am: 27.09.2016 | 19:26 »
Olympisches Rollenspielen hätte definitiv drei Wtbewerbe:

Old School Dungeoncrawling, wer erkundet und plündert den Dungeons in der geringsten Zeit und mit den wenigsten Ersatz SC.

Dramaspiel: welche Darbietung bekommt von der internationalen Jury die meisten Wertungspunkte.

Taktischer Kampf: Im turniermodus treten Gruppen gegeinander an. Last man standing.

Das Ganze bitte auch als dreikampf.

Offline Runenstahl

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Re: Interview auf DND Seite
« Antwort #2 am: 27.09.2016 | 23:06 »
+1 für Glühbirnes Wettkampfidee

Das coolste was einer meiner D&D Charaktere gemacht hat...
Als die Gruppe in einem Dungeon versucht eine Fallgrube zu überspringen greifen Tentakel nach dem ersten von uns (verfehlen ihn jedoch). Björn hat daraufhin mit den Armen über der Fallgrube herumgewedelt bis die Tentakel rauskamen und ihn packten... Björn packte daraufhin selbst die Tentakel um dann mit Hilfe der Gruppe das Monster aus der Grube zu ziehen und es zu verhauen.
Björn war halt immer schon sehr von seinen eigenen Fähigkeiten überzeugt was letztlich auch sein Ende sein sollte (als er eines Tages erfolgreich einen Drachen anlockte aber ich mir als Spieler irgendwie gar keine Gedanken darüber gemacht hatte das Björn zu dem Zeitpunkt nur noch 3 seiner ungefähr 100 Lebenspunkte hatte).
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