Lass mal nachdenken, wozu man überhaupt 500 Mann Besatzung gebrauchen könnte, und daraus ableiten, wie groß das Schiff dann sein könnte.
1. Schichtbetrieb: wie in der heutigen Marine könnte die Besatzung in drei Wachen eingeteilt sein. Macht dann also ca. 150 Mann pro Wache (lässt sich leichter rechnen als 166,67).
Dann paste ich einfach mal was:
For spacecraft over 140,000 cubic meters. These numbers are averages, military vessels will have larger crews to allow for multiple shifts.
Command Section: Commanding officer, Executive officer, two Navigation officers, Communication officer, as support personnel a number of rating crewmen equal to 50% of the number of officers. On ships over 3,000,000 cubic meters the number of personnel in command section should be about five per 1,400,000 cubic meters.
Engineering Section: about one Engineer for each 500 cubic meters of propulsion system.
Gunnery Section: One chief gunnery officer. One petty officer for each kind of weapon the ship is armed with. For "spinal" weapons (where the ship's spine is composed of one huge weapon) one crew man per 14,000 cubic meters. Each weapon "bay" requires two crew men, each battery of turrets requires one crew man. The total crew complement in gunnery section will be about 10% officers, 30% petty officers, and 60% crew men.
Medical Section: One chief medical officer. One full time medic or assistant per 50 people on board.
Service Section: For shops, storage, security, food service, etc. If there are no troops, 3 service crew per 140,000 cubic meters or 100 other crew, whichever is larger. If the ship carries troops, 2 service crew per 140,000 cubic meters or 100 other crew, whichever is larger. A luxury liner will have even more service crew.
Troop Section: Military vessels over 140,000 cubic meters will have "marines" (space-ines?). The number will range from 3 per 140,000 cubic meters to 3 per 14,00 cubic meters.
Specialist Section: Cargo specialists, science crew, intelligence officers, liaison officers, electronic warfare officers, etc. As needed.
Was da noch fehlt: Damage Control. Sollten nochmal ein paar Dutzend Leute sein.