Autor Thema: [Internet Stars] The Unemployed Skeletor (Kevin Conn) hat einen neuen Charakter!  (Gelesen 441 mal)

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Offline Jed Clayton

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einer meiner Lieblingskomiker aus dem "Web", nämlich der unvergleichliche Kevin Conn, hängt seine Rollenfigur "Unemployed Skeletor" nach vier langen Jahren bald an den Nagel. Was sich nach der langen Schaffenspause nach seinem selbstproduzierten Mockumentary-Film (The Unexciting Adventures of Unemployed Skeletor, stand als herunterladbarer "Spielfilm" auf MySpace) letztes Jahr herauskristallisiert hat, hat Conn jetzt noch einmal selbst in einigen sehr persönlichen Worten bekräftigt: Er hört definitiv mit dieser Figur auf, wird aber weiterhin Comedy machen, das heißt Stand-up-Comedy in Clubs und Internet-Projekte. Er wird demnächst noch eine Abschiedsvorstellung in seiner Skeletor-Rolle bei einer Comic Convention geben und danach wird er in einer brandneuen Rolle, diesmal selber erfunden, zurückkehren:

Conns neueste Kreation und Figur heißt Lavaroid, als der er sich auch schon als Comicfigur verewigen ließ (das Comic-Heft dazu ist gerade in Produktion).

Ich zitiere mal kurz von Unemployed Sleletors offiziellem MySpace-Blog:

All good...Evil things come to an END. A goodbye and info on SDCC 09
  This is my final year as Unemployed Skeletor. October will mark the 4-year anniversary of this crazy idea that so many of you enjoyed. I'm writing this blog to inform you that I will be attending SDCC [San Diego Comic Con] working for the amazing company 80's Tees! Expect a video blog soon (as my alter ego) telling you more info. And for my East Coast peeps, I have 1 more con that I will be attending: Baltimore Comic Con in October.

  The truth of the matter is, a lot has gone down in my personal life this year. Some good, some not very good at all. On May 20th, my mother died unexpectedly and it has made me do some soul searching. My path is and will forever be comedy. You all deserve the best from me, and to be honest for the first time I see the end coming with this character.

  I will put on a great show for 80's Tees at SDCC, and I will do the same at Balt-Con, but as far as blogs I'm tapped out, and it's not fair to you all to watch crap. Maybe I should have walked away a while back, and I know some of you have already moved on. This character has always been an amazing crazy ride. I cannot thank you all enough for getting it. You make me smile every time you thank me or tell me that I make you laugh. It means the world to me. That's all I want to do, [to] make people laugh. But again, creatively I am limited with this character, both for copyright reasons and financial reasons. Plus earlier this year my ideas started shifting to an all new ORIGINAL character I have begun working on.
  LAVA-ROID is a character I hope you all take this journey with me as well. I will be publishing a one-shot comic in October and a live action trailer/promo reel will go online around the same time. Please add me at:

Phillip Manchester was a normal guy with a cool big brother, both living in a city filled with crime. A world where criminals ruled, one particular villain ruled this town with an iron fist. His name--Ruggard, he and his evil transsexual mistress Ms. Pantarla killed his brother. Depressed and angry Phillip begged his best friend, mad scientist Dr. Kashu, to inject him with his untested super formula. The problem was Phillip had a bad case of hemorrhoids and the serum made the hemorrhoids intertwine with his blood and body. Now with the power of fire that can shoot from his hands and his......arse, Phillip becomes a vigilante to take down Ruggard with every standard cliché 80's action film scene, all the while tying to impress the local hottie.

In this world, only one rule exists, kick their ass.....with fire.

Kevin Conn is Phillip Manchester, who is Lava-Roid in................... "Bleed for Me"

Die bereits veröffentlichten Fotos von Lavaroid und die dazugehörigen Comic-Bilder finde ich großartig. Unbedingt mal angucken!
« Letzte Änderung: 1.07.2009 | 20:53 von Jed Clayton »
"Somewhere there is danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea is getting cold."

(Doctor Who, Survival, 26th season, serial 4, part 3)