[Hellfrost] Halloween GoodnessA Traditional prayer to Scaetha made before entering the Withered LandsTypically, odd numbered lines are spoken by the senior cleric of Scaetha, with the even numbered lines spoken en masse by all those about to enter the accursed realm. As is normal for the cult, prayers are affirmative statements, rather than pleas for assistance.
I shall walk in the shadows that others may walk in the light
For my faith guides me in darknessI shall not succumb to fear of flesh, mind, or soul
For my faith is my strengthI shall brush aside the hand of Death
For my faith is my armorI shall cut down my enemies
For my faith is my weaponI shall not be wearied by sleep or weakened by hunger
For my faith succors meI shall fear not the death of my flesh
For my soul is pledged to Scaetha
<non-Scaetha worshippers insert the name of their patron deity>I shall show no mercy to the enemies of the living
Death to the damned!By tradition, the prayer ends by striking one’s weapon against one’s shield rim or armor twice, then shouting the name Scaetha. This is repeated four times, the volume increasing each time.
A Scaetha funeralFollowers of Scaetha will undoubtedly die in battle against the undead. Give them a proper send off!
Traditionally, deceased clerics and those bound to Scaetha by oaths or service (such as Deathdealers) are laid out in a windowless room. Ideally this is a purpose-built chamber below the temple, close to the main crypt, but any lightless enclosure will suffice. By using such a place, it is believed Hela cannot detect the corpse, and thus cannot send a spirit to infest it and reanimate it as an undead.
The corpse is washed, but no attempt is made to conceal or address wounds. How a cleric died is as important as how he lived, and the injuries sustained will be used by Scaetha in her judgment. Corpses are dressed in their armor, and with their weapons placed alongside them. If these are not available for any reason, the mourners ensure he is armed and armored before his spirit is claimed by the herald. Without these tools of war, his spirit will not be suitably equipped in the Afterlife, where he will continue the fight against Hela and her fell brood.
Though the chamber is windowless, one candle is lit for each year the deceased served the cult. At regular intervals during the prayers for the dead, these are blown out. Timing is important, for the last one should be extinguished as the final words are spoken.
After several moment's of quiet contemplation, the mourners file out in silence. One remains behind, a guardian whose task it is to watch over the corpse until Scaetha's herald claims the soul. After this, the mortal remains are interred.
The highest ranking cleric of Scaetha recites the odd numbered lines of the prayer, while others recite the even numbered lines. As is normal for the cult, prayers are affirmative statements. Change gender references as appropriate.
Our brother has fallen in battle
We stand in his placeOur brother’s arms and armor are broken
We forge them anew in his placeOur brother shall win no more earthly victories
We win them in his placeOur brother's name shall not grow
We speak of his deeds in his placeOur brother awaits judgment before Scaetha
We vouch for his faith in his placeOur brother's light has been extinguished by darkness
We burn brighter in his place_________________
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