Um das zu erweitern, ein Zitat aus dem DMG zum Thema Verfolgung:
"Procedure For Determination Of Evasion Underground: If it is discovered that a pursuit situation exists, and the player-party elects to evade rather than confront pursuers, then record the relative speeds of pursued and pursuer. Move the pursued party as many lo's of feet as their slowest member is able to travel, and likewise move the pursuing party as many 10's of feet as its fastest member can travel, noting positions of slower members, if any, as well. This movement is accomplished on the map, of course. Three such movement phases are (for game purposes) equal to 1 round. At the end of any movement portion where any number of the pursued party is within 10' or less of any number of the pursuing party, confrontation must take place between the concerned members of the parties. (At this point the remainder, if any, of the pursued party may elect to stop flight or continue evasion attempts as they wish.) Also, at the end of each movement portion it is necessary to check the 3 SEPARATE PURSUIT CASES and any PURSUIT MODIFIERS to see if the pursued party has succeeded in evading the pursuers. Keep track not only of the route of flight, but also of the amount of game time so spent, as some pursuit will automatically cease after a set period without confrontation."
Wir sehen also auch, dass in Nicht-Kampfrunden sich die Figuren deutlich schneller bewegen können sollen (siehe meine Hervorhebung).