noch ein Tip, sehr genial ! düster und atmosphärisch., as the name suggests, is an album dedicated to the deep space haulage ship in the film Alien. It is a homage to the ship itself and casts it as a character in its own right : silent, uncomplaining and vast. This CD could well be a soundtrack to the events immediately before the film starts - the deep, rumbling drones of interstellar drives, the hissing of exhaust vents and the steady click and whirr of half-dormant computer systems. Nostromo is probably the most monolithic ambient album I've ever heard.
As each track weighs in at around the 11 minute mark, this isn't upbeat music. Each individual piece (labelled Deck A to Deck E as we descend through the craft) builds slowly through deep, sub-bass frequencies and adds in various overlaying sounds before fading back to nothing. The dissonant hum of solar radiation shimmers into the howl of venting coolant as the ever present engines rumble on. A fragment of the original soundtrack appears to float into existence for a few moments before fading back into the aether. Yet through this all, there is the ever-present sense of something else, something voracious and inhuman, lurking in the dark silence behind the music. Something alien...
Although each track works individually, the album needs to be experienced as a whole to get the full effect. It isn't background music either but something that you should let yourself be enveloped by. This is deep space, ambient sound at its very, very best.
das erste Stück landet sicher auf dem Fading Suns OST