| Sprawlrunners - FoundryVTT Module Author: Manuel Sambs, Veiled Fury Entertainment Publisher: Veiled Fury Entertainment Price: $4.99 until 26.03.2021, $6.99 after |
PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical limitations of the DriveThruRPG Community Content platform you will not receive a license key for this Foundry module. Instructions on how to install are included as a PDF file, as this module needs to be installed manually. We apologize for this inconvenience.Release Sale! $4.99 from launch through Friday! $6.99 after sale ends!Bringing Sprawlrunners to a FoundryVTT table near you!This download contains the full Sprawlrunners book as a premium module download. This includes the official Sprawlrunners Countdown Deck for use in the module!
If you're looking for the regular PDF and official card deck of Sprawlrunners, you can find them here!
Rules CompendiumThe Sprawlrunners rules are organized into the same chapters as the printed book. If you know the title of the article you are looking for, use the search at the top of the Compendiums sidebar so you don't have to dig through multiple folders. The rules have deep entity linking, which means that by clicking on the neon blue, underlined text in each article you will be shown more detailed information about the topic you chose. Some of these are subheadings inside a longer entry, so you may need to scroll down and read through the article to find what you're looking for.
Item CompendiumsThe Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills. Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.
Powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills & EquipmentContains all of the powers, Edges, Hindrances, Skills, and gear in the Sprawlrunners core rules, complete with fully entity linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. # Item Compendiums The Item compendiums contain all of the Skills, Hindrances, Edges, gear, and powers in the Sprawlrunners rules, complete with fully entity-linked descriptions, ready to be dropped onto your actors. Note: Because of how Foundry is set up “under the hood”, some things are found in the Item Compendiums that are not traditionally thought of as items in Savage Worlds such as Powers, Edges, Hindrances, and Skills.
Basically, under Foundryʼs logic, if it can be dropped onto or manually added to your character sheet, itʼs categorized as an item.