ChatGPT hat diesen Prompt von selber gebaut:
(Reihenfolge: "What does a WH40k Space hulk look like? Describe it in generic sci fi terms without refererencing Warhammer." "..." "Generate an image of such a structure. It should be 120 miles in length, 90 miles in width, and 6 miles in height. Please also post your exact prompt."
"Visualize an immense, chaotic structure in space, distinctly non-spherical, with dimensions of approximately 120 miles in length, 90 miles in width, and 6 miles in height. This structure is a wildly disorganized collection of hundreds of different components, including starships, asteroids, and cosmic debris, all haphazardly fused together by the random forces of gravity and time. The overall shape is elongated, reflecting its vast length compared to its width and height, with parts jutting out at irregular angles, creating a complex, treacherous maze of ancient technology and forgotten treasures, without any semblance of spherical symmetry."
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