Danke für den Hinweis. Was ich inzwischen noch gefunden habe ist, dass es wohl um eine Erweiterung der Welt um Freeport herum gehen wird, die man mit den "Mystic Navigators" erreichen kann (einem Charakterkonzept o. ä. das wohl ebenfalls im Core Rulebook erklärt wird).
Mystic Navigator
A mystic navigator learns to guide ships to the Wyrd Tides and
the dangerous Deep. Even when they’re not helping a vessel
sail between worlds, they guide it with supernatural skill. Their
powers also grant them unparalleled control of any vessel they
board, making a mystic navigator a valuable ally during storms
and shipboard battles, or a potentially serious threat when they
assert control of an enemy ship. In some settings, mystic navigators might serve on flying ships, or on massive land-crawling
vessels, or some comparable vehicle, and the Game Master
should feel free to adjust this specialization to suit them.
Mystic Navigator Talent
Classes: Any
Requirements: Dexterity 1, Intelligence 2, and the
Intelligence (Navigation) focus
You can plot and pilot courses through seas both mystic and
mundane, and your ship becomes an extension of yourself.
Novice: You know the Deep, and you can find your way
under the most difficult conditions. First, only mystic navigators like yourselves can find the world-crossing currents of
the Deep without using magical assistance. This may require
an Intelligence (Navigation) test but attempts by anyone
who does not possess this specialization automatically fail.
Fortunately, you may also reroll any Intelligence (Navigation)
test, including for mundane voyages, but you must keep the
results of the second roll. You also instantly know if you’ve
been transported from one world to another, though you do
not intuit any information beyond that fact.
In addition, you help keep your crew safe, as the ship and
its contents move to protect them, mystically responding to
your will. Once per round, if you’re aboard a ship (defined
as a floating craft that uses sails, oars, or an engine) and
perceive that someone else aboard is about to fail a test to
avoid or mitigate a hazard (see Hazards in Chapter

, you
Chapter 3: Character Options 93
can roll a Dexterity (Sailing) test as a reaction at the same TN
as the test they failed as an additional chance to resist the
hazard’s effects.
Expert: You can find your way even in alien waters. When
rolling Intelligence (Navigation) tests to find your way at sea
add +1 to the Stunt Die, increasing your chance of success and
degree of success. You do not count this bonus when checking
for doubles, but it does add to the number of stunt points you
might gain from doubles.
In addition, while you’re aboard a ship (see the Novice
degree for how “ship” is defined) you can mystically manipulate rigging, sails, and other loose shipboard items to hinder
your foes. This takes the form of a Stunt Attack major action
you can employ against a target within 30 yards, using
Dexterity (Sailing) for your attack roll. This may take the form
of bad luck tripping the target up, or blatantly animated ropes
and other objects depending on the situation and how this
ability manifests in the campaign.
Master: You always have some sense where familiar ports lie.
Even if you do not know your current location, or even the
world you’re on, you can read the mystical currents of fate to
help find the way to any fixed point (such as a port, island, or
permanently anchored floating city) you’ve been to before—
or where it was, in the bizarre event the “fixed point” has
moved. When rolling to navigate to such destinations, you
treat any result of less than 10 on the die as 10, though if your
actual roll was lower, doubles can’t generate stunt points.
You can also entrust your vessel to fate, and if the Game
Master agrees you automatically succeed at all tests (though
you can’t gain or use SP if you do) to navigate to any location
destiny—that is, the GM—directs your vessel to. You don’t
necessarily know anything about your destination; you navigate intuitively. Such locations are always significant to the
campaign or adventure’s ongoing story.
Finally, your ability to manipulate shipboard phenomena
becomes second nature, and you can use the Expert ability
to perform a Stunt Attack as a minor action, though if you
do, rolling doubles doesn’t change the number of SP you can
spend if you succeed