Autor Thema: Red Dwarf RPG  (Gelesen 2547 mal)

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Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Red Dwarf RPG
« am: 25.06.2002 | 12:03 »
Was man nicht alles so am Rande mitkriegt...

Deep7 bringt im Herbst das Rollenspiel zu Red Dwarf raus.

Eine FAQ ist schon auf der Deep7 Homepage zu finden.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."


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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #1 am: 25.06.2002 | 12:17 »
Das Red Dwarf RPG ist sehr spaßig zu lesen und sollte auch für Interessierte, die die Serie nicht kennen, gut zugänglich sein. Häufig funktionieren Comedy-Rollenspiele eher für Oneshots oder kurze Kampagnen, Red Dwarf wird allerdings auch für längere Kampagnen spielbar sein. Das XPG-System ist gerade richtig für die Komplexitätsstufe (das hat jeder Spieler in 5 Minuten gerafft) und für das Raumkampfsystem braucht man kein Tabletopper zu sein. Wenn sie nicht das Layout vergurken und wenn's nicht zu teuer wird (immerhin müssen sie die Lizenz bezahlen), gebe ich schon mal einen Daumen nach oben!

(Bestimmte Teile aus den Romanen kommen übrigens nicht vor, da die Lizenz bis jetzt nur die TV-Serie umfasst. Aber das wird eventuell noch ergänzt.)

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #2 am: 29.12.2002 | 12:31 »
Das Regelwerk ist jetzt zum Drucker gegangen und wird wohl demnaechst erhaeltlich sein...
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline ragnar

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #3 am: 1.01.2003 | 04:38 »
Was ist Red Dwarf? ICh wurde weder aus der "Reddwarf"-Seite so richtig schlau, noch hat mir die FAQ geholfen.

Es ist Augenscheinlich eine SF-Serie. Läuft sie irgendwo im deutschen Fernsehn? Ist sie (auf deutsch) auf Video (oder DVD) erhältlich? Was ist daran besonders? Worin unterscheidet sie sich von anderen Serien? Schon mal Danke für eure antworten...

PS: Frohes Neues Jahr!

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #4 am: 1.01.2003 | 20:42 »
Dann schau doch mal in den Thread im Sehen-Bereich rein, da kann man sich ueber die Serie auslassen. Hier sollte dann doch nur das Rollenspiel diskutiert werden...
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Boba Fett

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #5 am: 3.01.2003 | 02:17 »
rd ist eine satirische sf serie aus england
Kopfgeldjäger? Diesen Abschaum brauchen wir hier nicht!

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #6 am: 14.02.2003 | 13:14 »
Mal wieder eine gute Nachricht:

As of 8:47 PST, we've been given final approval by Grant Naylor Productions, and Red Dwarf - The Roleplaying Game is officially to press.  We estimate 2 to 3 weeks before the finished books arrive (but will know for sure when we talk to the printer tomorrow for a revised ETA).
The game is available for preorder directly from, for those who simply can't wait to buy it from the store.  North American addresses only at this time.  Once again, the game will be available to everyone via Amazon and BBC online shops in short order, and we hope to secure international distribution soon.
Keep an eye on this list and the Deep7 message boards for more details as they happen!
Say it with me now: "Owooga owooga!  Awagh! Awagh! Owooga owooga! Awaugh!"
Todd Downing
Creative Director, Deep7
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline JoPf

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #7 am: 14.02.2003 | 14:48 »
@Ragnarok: Red Dwarf hat gewisse Ähnlichkeiten mit 'Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis'. Ist aber durchaus was Eigenes...
"I am the Light. I am all. I am he who will return Order and banish Chaos once more. I am Gilgamesh The Unconquered Sun."

"The best way to explain Exalting to newbies: It's when the Unconquered Sun bothers to sit up and notice shit goin' down in Creation, then points at you and says "I choose you, Pikachu!" *facepalm*

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #8 am: 15.04.2003 | 12:17 »
Und soeben erhalte ich eine Mail, das mein Red Dwarf RPG in der Post ist...

Also sollte ich es (mit Glueck) bis Ostern haben.

Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #9 am: 17.04.2003 | 13:44 »
Wer immer noch auf der Suche danach sein sollte, ein "Geheimtipp" (daher hab' ich auch mein Exemplar):

Auf dem Nachhauseweg (also gleich) werd' ich mal reinlesen... Spaeter mehr.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #10 am: 5.05.2003 | 11:17 »
Wer noch nicht sicher ist was Red Dwarf von anderer Scifi unterscheidet, dem sei mal ein Setup beschrieben:

A human grifter from Earth named John Doe (PC) cons his way onto a job as Astro-navigator on the Jupitor Mining Company's new prototype scout ship, the Nova-1. He wanted a high-paying job, but has no actual skill in astronavigation. The crew is supposed to take the ship for a 6 month test flight, but they somehow end up lost (although John is the only one to know they are lost, and he doesn't tell anybody). The pilot has to do some fancy flying to avoid a planed that somehow appears in their flight path and isn't on any of their maps (well, it IS.. but nobody can read the maps right) and the pilot has to do some fancy flying to avoid running into it. Unfortunately, this pushes the drive engines to the limit. The ship's mechanoid started fixing an elaborate dinner at that moment, overloading the drive and forcing the ship to crash-land on a desert planet.
The only survivors of the crash are John Doe (who spends some monents explaining to the captain why the crash wasn't his fault before he notices the captain is dead) and a female dog that is trained to assist the crew. The ship's distress signal is sent out, but is broadcasting the wrong coordinates (based on the information that John entered into it).
John and the dog get lost in the desert. The dog runs off. A sandstorm shows up and John has to hide in a cave for several days, where he ends up hungry enough to eat some of the purple fungus he finds there. The fungus has a toxin that causes John to be placed in a temporal field for several million years.
John comes out of stasis (unaware that he has been in stasis at all) to find himself waist deep in fungus. He shrugs, tries to eat more of it, and the fungus telepathically tells him to cut it out.
It has revived him for a reason....
John: Revived?
Fungus: Yes, the fungus you ate had a toxin that placed you in stasis for several million years.
John: I don't believe you.
Fungus: Oh yeah, watch this...!
AI (Me): Nothing noticable happens.
Fungus: Now do you believe?
Eventually the fungus convinces John of what has happened and explains the situation. In the 3 million years that John has been in toxic stasis, the fungus has evolved into a sentient being (beings). When the dog ran off, it lost the keg of lager kept around its neck for emergencies (It was supposed to be brandy originally, but there were budget cutbacks).
After a long time, the fungus grew out of the cave and encompassed a large area of land, including the keg of lager. It drank the lager and acquired a taste for it.
The fungus expanded more and more in its search for lager, eventually growing over the area of land where the spaceship was, chasing off the race of Dog-people descended from the ships space-dog (who was pregnant) who used the ship as a home. The dog people became nomads for several hundred years, then came back to "retake the holy land" and chased the fungus away from the ship. The fungus, in the mean while, had learned all it could from the ship (and drank the rest of the lager onboard). Desperate for lager, the fungus decided to awaken John and send him for more lager. He had to do what the fungus said, or it would reactivate the toxin in his body and put him back in stasis.
He entered the Dog village and the local priests recognized him as the chosen one who was destined (according to legend) to take one of them with him back to the stars. He chose one of them, and they prepared the Nova-1 for take off.
John couldn't fly the ship, but he could program the computers onboard (no AI on the ship) to auto-pilot the ship to an orbiting space station. He did this, and the two of them managed to dock there safely.
Meanwhile, over a decade ago a rogue simulant (PC #2) docked at this same station looking for people to kill. He was dissappointed to find that there were no people there, only a psychotically depressed AI who dressed all in black and was working on writing a poem to describe "the abyssmal futility of everything in the universe".
The scutters stole the simulants ship and drove it into the sun rather than listen to any more gothy poems from Luthor (the AI).
Stranded on the space station, the simulant went around shooting things for 11 years until a new ship docked.
The PCs met up, but the AI clamped a force-field down on the Nova-1 to keep it from leaving. They managed to locate 6 full-sized kegs of lager in the station's bar, and loaded them onboard the ship.
Eventually, they figured out to help Luthor finish his poem and he let them go.
They went back to the planet and gave the lager to the purple fungus.
Then they tried to fly off again in the Nova-1, but had nowhere to go except the space station because they still had no navigator. When they got back to the station, Luthor had regained his sanity and was much more pleasant to be around. The party transferred Luthor into the Nova-1, upgrading the onboard computer in the process, after Luthor agreed to run the ship and navigate them back to Earth.
The adventure went pretty well, except for a few slow spots, and was overall enjoyable. The system was simple and straightforward, and fit the Red Dwarf setting pretty well.
The best gags I got were from the purple fungus putting John into stasis at times (once for several weeks, during which time the simulant covered him in a mound of garbage), and from all the problems John got into by pretending to be an astro-navigator when he knew nothing about it.

Overall, we all had a pretty good time and plan to keep playing the campaign.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re: Red Dwarf RPG
« Antwort #11 am: 16.03.2004 | 11:51 »
Um diesen URALTEN Thread mal zu entstauben...

Haette jemand (auf dem MART wenn ich die Zeit dazu finde) oder auf dem grossen Treffen (wohl eher) Interesse an einer Red Dwarf-Runde?
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."