Autor Thema: Monty Python RPG  (Gelesen 210 mal)

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Offline Andropinis

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Monty Python RPG
« am: 5.03.2025 | 20:08 »
Gibt jetzt ein Monty Python RPG. Beschreibung auf der Exalted Funeral Seite:

About the book:

Betwixt these firm yet supple covers, one shall find everything one needs to experience the joy of Mediaeval study, from character creation and factions to ready-to-run quests and monsters – including the French! One need not be familiar with Monty Python’s work, nor is experience with ‘role-playing games’ required. If you have experience with the latter, you are probably too silly a person to participate and should stop reading immediately.

- An original rules-lite gaming system with spam.
- Guidance on designing adventures with spam.
- Ready-to-run quests, spam, and guidance on designing one's own adventures.
- Character creation, spam, bestiary, spam, and Dramatis Personae sections.
- Tables for generating all sorts of things with spam.
- Original hand-painted illumination
- 6.2% more spam.

Vorstellung von Dave Thaumavore
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin

Offline schneeland

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Re: Monty Python RPG
« Antwort #1 am: 5.03.2025 | 20:13 »
Ergänzend: wir hatten da schon mal eine Diskussion zu diesem Spiel (gestartet als der Kickstarter lief) - nachdem der Fokus der Diskussion aber eher die eigene Wahrnehmung eines MP-Spiels war, führe ich erstmal nicht zusammen und verlinke nur: Monty Python's Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme - Geht? Geht nicht?.
All good things come to those who wait! ... like beer and dual flamethrowers.

Offline Andropinis

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Re: Monty Python RPG
« Antwort #2 am: 10.03.2025 | 22:03 »
Mhaire von Orkenspalter hat sich dem Monty Python RPG angenommen:

Das Monty Python Rollenspiel: ein Erfahrungsbericht
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

George R.R. Martin