Hier mal die Harmony-Liste
Harmony : Threshold
10 : Not shapeshifting for more than three days.
9 : Not obtaining your own food; carrying a silver weapon.
8 : Disrespect to a spirit or elder Uratha.
7 : Spending too much time alone; significantly violating a tribal vow.
6 : Mating with other Uratha; slaying a human or wolf needlessly.
5 : Slaying a werewolf in the heat of battle.
4 : Revealing the existence of werewolves to a human; using a silver weapon against another werewolf.
3 : Torturing enemies/prey; murdering a werewolf.
2 : Hunting humans or wolves for food.
1 : Betrayal of pack; hunting werewolves for food.
Zu dem Akronym hat sich White Wolf schon mit
diesem T-Shirt geaeussert.