[Reality Blurs] Shaintar: Legends Arise (Beta Players Guide)Author: Sean Patrick Fannon, Sean Preston
Price: Freebie (DriveThruRPG)
Sean Patrick Fannon’s vision comes to life for Savage Worlds in this all new iteration brought to you by Reality Blurs.
There are two core books planned for release. This generous excerpt from the first book is nearly two hundred pages in length and covers the complete character creation rules to be found in the final release of Legends Arise. All the races have been retooled and expanded out with more options than you can shake a stick at (along the lines of what you’ve seen in RunePunk).
You’ll find the synergy of proven elements, such as
Defining Interests, alongside innovative new bits, such as the extensive
Power Edges, which will let you take your magical mayhem to another level entirely.
Reality Blurs has been designing materials for Savage Worlds for over eight years, and is the oldest third party licensee. We’ve taken our expertise and worked with Sean Patrick Fannon to craft the most expansive expression of Shaintar to date. Now, we're going to give you an opportunity to check out what we've done free of charge.
What do we ask in return? Check it out. Talk to us on our forums. Spread the word around. Please send folks to our website to get it. Sure, it’s free, but we want to be able to communicate with fans of the property.
May your sword stay ever sharp, your aim true, and may your magic never backfire!
Best regards,
Sean Preston
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