Name: Billy the Kid
Sex: Male
Race & Class: Halb-Elf - Star Pakt Warlock
Abilities: Str 10 Con 20 , Dex 10 , Int 12 , Wis 10 , Cha 14
HP & Defenses: HP 32, AC 14 , Fort 15 , Ref 13, Will 13
Feat: Improved Fate of the Void, Prime Shot, Shadow Walk, Warlocks Curse, Group Diplomacy +1
Trained Skills: Bluff (7), Insight (7), Intimidate (7), Streetwise (7), Diplomatie (4)
* At-will: Eldritch Blast (1d10+5), Dire Radiance (1d6+5)
* Encounter: Dreadful Word (2d8+2), Thunderwave (1d6+1)
* Daily: Flames of Phlegethos (3d10+5)
Equipment: Leather Armor +2 (25gp), Dagger (1gp), Adventurer´s Kit (15gp), 2xWand (14gp), 45 Gold
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic