Hier ein Auszug aus dem Open Call den wir im letzten Jahr dazu gemacht haben:
The Earthdawn Codex is an expansion supplement for the Player’s Compendium with material intended for players and gamemasters. The book will also contain revised versions of the Discipline and Spell Design Systems (currently available as a free download from our web site at Both of these should serve as the basis for any new Discipline-related content or spells, in addition to the design systems presented in the Player’s and Gamemaster’s Compendiums.
* New Disciplines (in the same format as presented in the Player’s and Name-giver’s Compendiums, including a proper amount of background information—as per the fictional entries presented in the Player’s and Name-giver’s Compendiums). While we insist that you use the Discipline Design System to create these, please note that are not accepting Disciplines for use with the Alternative Discipline Mechanics at this time.
* New Talents (for any new Discipline, but also as alternatives to enrich the Disciplines presented in the Player’s and Name-giver’s Compendiums). Please use the guidelines in the Discipline Design System when creating new Talents.
* New Talent Knacks. Please use the guidelines in the Player’s Compendium when creating new Talent Knacks.
* Goods and Services (new common magical items, blood charms, weapons, armor, healing aids, and so on). Please use the guidelines in the Player’s and Gamemaster’s Compendiums where appropriate.
* New Spells. Please use the guidelines in the Spell Design System when creating new Spells.
* Examples of Discipline variants, accompanied by background information to support the variant (as per the fictional entries presented in the Player’s and Name-giver’s Compendiums). Please use the guidelines in the Discipline Design System when creating a Discipline variant.
* New Optional Rules (additional or revised optional rules for use in Earthdawn games).
* Encounters (preferably no more than 1-2 pages, describing a place in Barsaive, along with an Adventure Hook or two). While these can be generic (such as a roadside tavern), a bit of local color will be preferred: involve the unique features the game world has to offer—there’s enough stuff that can make an encounter recognizeable as an Earthdawn encounter with a little creativity.
* New Creatures, Horrors, or Horror constructs (created using the Creature Design rules in the Gamemaster’s Compendium, preferably along with an Adventure Hook. (Note: Named Horrors should have a fictional introduction, along the lines of that published for the Named Horrors in the Gamemaster’s Compendium.)
* New Creature and Horror powers to expand the powers presented in the Gamemaster’s Compendium.
* New Gamemaster Characters (with suitable quotes, as presented in the Gamemaster’s Compendium).
* New Magical Treasures. Please use the guidelines in the Gamemaster’s Compendium when creating new magical treasures.