Wusstet ihr das sie eine Strega ist?
Mal abgesehen davon, das eine Strega wohl kaum einen niederen Rang bekleidet und von ihrer Familie abgeschirmt wird wie es sich für so einen kostbaren Schatz gehört. Wie bekloppt muss man sein um mit einer Strega Karten zu spielen? Sie sieht oder verändert dabei mal eben deine Zukunft und du bis des Todes, wenn ihre Männer rausbekommen, dass sie etwas für Dich/mit Dir gemacht hat.
Bei einer Strega kann ich Yellows Reaktion absolut verstehen, solange ihr nicht willens wart, den ganzen Scheiß, der mit so einem Spiel in Verbindung steht zu wagen. Mit einer Strega zuspielen heißt, sich ins große Spiel einzumischen.
Dazu möchte ich dir mal folgenden Text ans Herz legen:
Women in Vodacce
Vodacce society is cruel to women. Harsh, demanding and jealous, the men of Vodacce envy their women for the sorcery they possess, and worse, they fear them for it. For this reason, the world of Vodacce women is drastically different from the world of its men — so different, in fact, that men are often completely unable to see the coups and politics that occur behind hooped skirts and heavy veils.
Playing a female Vodacce in a Théan campaign is difficult but well worth it. If you are good at behind-the-scenes politics and subtlety, then you’re ideal for the task. Where other women in Théah rule openly, the women of Vodacce must create ‘pawns’, men willing (or unable to refuse) to do
their bidding. As the Fate Witches have control of a man’s destiny and fortune, it is not often that they are directly refused anything, so long as they have the resources and subtlety to ask. A Vodacce woman cannot demand anything, but they can insist in far more subtle ways.
Do you wish a champion to fight your duels? Promise a man that he will never fail in his swordplay, so long as he is fighting your enemy. Twist the strands to make it so. If he is a poor choice, untwist them, and let him know of your disfavor. Many times, you don’t even have to do anything —
much of the power of the Fate Witches lies in their supposed abilities. Their renown and reputation will often scare a man into their hands, more than their actual magic.
Remember that the men fear you. It is your greatest advantage, and your most dangerous flaw. People are motivated by fear more easily than any emotion other than love, but they are most unpredictable when fear is their spur. Don’t talk often — not out of submissiveness, but to see
what your opponent will say. And everyone in Vodacce is your opponent. But, of course, that is no different from the world of men.
Many times, the world of men intrudes upon the world of Vodacce women — but far less than the men like to think. Yes, it is entirely possible that your father will insist that you marry an 80-year-old tyrant to cement his political gain: but with only a small tug, the 80-year-old can die of a heart
attack, or other physical failure. How sad. No alliance, and no Fate Witch bride.
It doesn’t pay to treat a Fate Witch callously, particularly when you cannot tell coincidence from malice. The men in Vodacce know that, and treat them with care, despite their
bravado and surface chauvinism.
Ich meine ich hätte trotzdem ja gesagt, aber dafür hättet ihr bis zum Hals in der Scheiße gesteckt, weil eine echte Treibjagt auf Euch veranstaltet worden wäre.