Was meint Ihr dazu?
Zu niedrig vom Rank angesetzt, denn im Grunde ist es ja nur eine schwächere Version von Followers bzw. Sidekick. Würde hier nicht Legendary ansetzen, sondern Veteran.
Warum also für das Setting nicht einfach einen Apprentice-Edge einführen?
APPRENTICERequirements: Wild Card, VeteranThe hero gains a young pupil, be it a warrior, a promising pickpocket, a lay priest, or a young magician.
The apprentice is an extra, and gains experience as any ally (SWEX p98).
In general, the player character should control his pupil just like any other allied character. Of course, the apprentice may occasionally cause trouble (by getting captured, running into danger when he’s not supposed to, etc.). The player should be prepared for his "Edge" to occasionally
become a "Hindrance."
The apprentice could be released after a defined time of scholarship, or the player character sees fit. If the apprentice dies or is released, he is replaced after a time of 1d6 months, and a successful roll on Streetwise, or Persuasion.
Das Talent sollte natürlich umbenannt werden, wenn man etwa wie in Hellfrost auch ein Apprentice-Edge für Spielerfiguren hat.