Autor Thema: Die Uhr tickt ...  (Gelesen 26666 mal)

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #100 am: 31.10.2003 | 18:31 »
Wenn das mit den Drachen nicht dabei wäre, würde ich sagen, dass es sich um ein Sabbatspiel mit dominierten Menschen handelt. Die haben ja einige solche Sachen bei denen sie menschen ne Rolle einimpfen und sie dazu zwingen dann in irgendeinerweise gegen sie anzutreten.
Ach Moment..das war ja Nachtmittags.......okey vergesst das ganze...

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #101 am: 2.11.2003 | 15:59 »
Wednesday October 29, 2003
Bloodied Man With No Pulse Escapes Detroit Hospital
DETROIT, MICHIGAN—A man reportedly staggered into an area emergency room last night, covered in blood and claiming to have been attacked in the night. Doctors found no vital signs when they conducted tests. His heart rate was zero, and he did not appear to be breathing. When doctors attempted to place the man in a secured facility for further study, the man grew enraged and fought his way out of the hospital, vanishing into the night.

Ich würd mal sagen, relativ normale Vampire:The Masquerade Situation.
Vampir wird verletzt, stolpert verwirrt in ein Krankenhaus, sie stellen das Fehlen eines Herzschlags fest, und der Vampir gerät in Raserei und verpisst sich.
War wahrscheinlich ein Malk oder ein unerfahrener Caitiff.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Cenrim

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #102 am: 3.11.2003 | 20:11 »
ich tippe 2.
die wenigsten menschen können auf distanz deinen puls messen, also muss es zumindest ne rutine-check gegeben haben, wie dringend sein fall is...
also vielleicht n neugeborenes küken...
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #103 am: 4.11.2003 | 14:29 »
Thursday October 30, 2003
Do not come to the Wheel of Ptah caern in Morocco. The Garou there have contracted the Red Death, a plague that resists their healing abilities. The Red Death already spreads to your lands—do not seek it out.

Hierbei dürfte es im die Verseuchung eines Caern der Wolflinge durch den Wyrm in Form dieses "Red Death" handeln.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #104 am: 4.11.2003 | 14:32 »
Das Wheel of Ptah ist nicht irgendein Caern sondern eines der GROSSEN Caerns in dem VIELE Moon Bridges (die die Reise ueberland SEHR vereinfachen) zusammenlaufen.
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #105 am: 5.11.2003 | 13:38 »
Friday October 31, 2003
UN Authorizes World Advisory Council to Fight Terrorist ‘Nine’
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK—The United Nations Security Council today granted extraterritorial law-enforcement powers to the World Advisory Council. Staffed by members of the international intelligence, military and scientific communities, the Council’s expertise will be used to dismantle the infrastructure of The Nine, a terrorist organization credited with attacks worldwide. Advisors will assist global military and law enforcement as well as manage member nations’ detention camps. The demand for outside assistance comes in the wake of the deaths of 54 FBI agents who attempted to apprehend members of the so-called “Akashic Brotherhood.” The cult is one of many fringe cells that US State Department officials accuse of using psychotropic chemicals and biological weapons to fulfill The Nine’s anarchist, apocalyptic agenda.

Es scheint mir, als ob die Technokraten unter dem Deckmantel des FBI gegen den Rat der Neun vorgehen. Doch sie stoßen natürlich auf Widerstand von seiten den Bruderschaft.
Der letzte Satz dürfte sich wohl auf Anschläge der Traditionen beziehen, die man der Öffentlichkeit nur durch Drogen und Biologische Waffen erklären kann.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #106 am: 6.11.2003 | 17:24 »
Monday November 3, 2003
Unexplained Solar Eclipse Baffles Astronomers
CAIRO, EGYPT—International authorities were today baffled by what they could only call an “unexplained phenomenon” involving a total solar eclipse seen in the Middle East. No eclipse was expected, since the moon’s orbit does not bring it directly in front of the sun for another two months, when an eclipse is expected to occur across parts of North America. Nonetheless, the event appeared exactly like a solar eclipse and obscured the face of the sun as visible in Cairo, Alexandria and parts of Palestine, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The “eclipse” lasted for just over 20 minutes, and was filmed by numerous media outlets in the region, as well as by members of the Ashuki Corporation. Though explanations have been offered, ranging from orbiting space debris to a close pass by a “rogue” asteroid, experts have dismissed these theories as “highly unlikely.”

öhhh, jemand ne Idee?

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."


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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #107 am: 6.11.2003 | 19:56 »
Hm ham die Technokraten nicht sowas ähnliches wie ne Orbitalstation? Zumindest hab ich mir das mal sagen lassen. Kann aber auch nur Gelabber sein...

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #108 am: 7.11.2003 | 13:42 »
Hmm, achso, könnten sie ihre Spiegel im Orbit auf Ägypten gerichtet haben? Wäre sehr vorausschauend.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #109 am: 7.11.2003 | 18:46 »
Tuesday November 4, 2003
Atlanta Billboards Warn of Doomsday
ATLANTA, GEORGIA—Atlanta citizens woke this morning to find billboards across their city bearing the message, “The end of the world is nigh.” All these billboards were leased by a man who simply goes by the name “Violin,” but sources say that the checks paying for their rental were signed by a William Hannon.

Violin99 ist ein Hunter, der hier seine Apokryphen verbreitet.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #110 am: 9.11.2003 | 19:08 »
Wednesday November 5, 2003
Cal: The weakness returned last night, worse than ever before and at the worst possible time. I was forced into a meeting with one of the MacNeils, and he obviously sensed that something had stricken me. Instead of leaving me be, he pressed the advantage he thought he had, trying to get me to agree to his terms. If he hadn’t pushed me…Fuck it, that’s the way these things are. I woke up from the frenzy with his blood down my throat and his corpse falling to ash between my fingers. It’ll be hard to explain, but at least the weakness has passed for now. --Tara

Scheinbar wird das Tier in den letzten Nächten stärker.
Könnte vieleicht damit zu tun haben, dass sich mehr Vorsintflutliche regen, aber das ist natürlich nur Spekulation.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #111 am: 10.11.2003 | 21:27 »
Thursday November 6, 2003
LA Gang War Takes Occult Turn
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA—South Central Los Angeles suffered through a second night of violence and looting last night as several gangs engaged in an all-out battle for territory. Fires raged through many areas, but the governor has yet to declare a state of emergency or call in the National Guard, despite repeated calls from the mayor’s office. Matters took a strange turn when a local “shock-jock” radio host interviewed a supposed member of one of the warring gangs. “We fight for Manishtusu,” said the unidentified man, “and all the fallen will bow before him in a pool of blood!” Occult experts claim that “Manishtusu” is the name of a demon in biblical lore, one that has been linked to no less than eight violent cults in Los Angeles since the early 1930s.

Manishtusu ist einer der Earthbounds die sich in LA niedergelassen haben.
Die ganzen Banden sind natürlich seine Drohnen.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #112 am: 11.11.2003 | 17:41 »
Friday November 7, 2003
‘Three-Eyed Prophet’ Seen in San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA—Weekend concert-goers at a music festival reported seeing an itinerant prophet who promised “salvation for the children of Seth and Cain” for those who accepted the “path of Golconda.” According to witnesses, the prophet had a third eye in the center of her forehead, as well as hands that wept blood from stigmata that appeared as she extolled onlookers to “accept the path.”

Hier handelt es sich offensichtlich um einen Salubri.
Und da er von Golconda (eine Art Erlösung für Kainiten) spricht, ist er wohl keiner der antitribu, sonder einer der 7 Salubri, die den Genozid der Tremere überlebt haben.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #113 am: 16.11.2003 | 19:01 »
I have faced great difficulty in recent times crossing the Wall and have meditated for three lunar cycles on the nature of Yin. Tonight, I enter the Yin World to discover what lies behind these troubles. -- Mandarin Ch’eng Hao

Well, die Kinder des Lotos haben Schwierigkeiten. Auch ihre macht schwindet.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #114 am: 17.11.2003 | 14:54 »
Tuesday November 11, 2003
The Walking Thunder Caern in Kenya is gone. I found the bones of all the Ahadi who lived there picked clean, and some of the locals said there had been a swarm of locusts, though locusts who eat Fera flesh is something new. There was a single spirit messenger there, and all it said was, “It is free.” --Mephi

Scheinbar wurde ein Caern des Ahadi (Veieinigung afrikanischer Gestaltwandler) von irgendetwas mächtigem, was scheinbar erwacht ist, ausgelöscht.
Vielleicht ein Dämon, genauer gesagt, eine Plage?

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #115 am: 18.11.2003 | 14:24 »
Wednesday November 12, 2003
Terrorist Bombing at NASA Hides Kidnappings
CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDA—23 NASA staff members have vanished in the wake of the firebombing of their offices and laboratories, officials reported today. This is the latest instance of missing aerospace research personnel, joining reports of similar disappearances in Kazakhstan, Ecuador and the offices of 12 aerospace industry corporations.

An den ganzen genannten Orten haben die Söhne des Äther Produktionsstätten, an denen sie die Teile für ihre Ätherschiffe (Raumschiffe) produzieren lassen. Scheinbar hat irgendjemand einen erfolgreichen Schlag gegen sie ausgeführt.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #116 am: 20.11.2003 | 22:11 »
Thursday November 13, 2003
Archbishop: I know very well there’s no point in lying, so I won’t. The attackers were Black Hand, I’m quite sure. The one I cornered called you a traitor. Conrad was wounded in the attack and so was I. I reclaimed my sire’s blood. Judge me as you would. -- Bishop Andrew Emory

Der namenslose Erzbischof könnte Lucita sein, sie hat dieses Amt in Aragon inne.
Conrad ist ein Lasombra der zehnten Generation, der Erzeuger dieses Andrew Emory, und als die beiden das letzte Mal erwähnt wurden, waren sie in Madrid.
Ob es wirklich die Schwarze Hand war? Wenn, dann auf jeden Fall die Hand des Sabbats, nicht die Wahre.

« Letzte Änderung: 27.11.2003 | 16:14 von SoulReaver »
"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #117 am: 21.11.2003 | 15:13 »
Friday November 14, 2003
‘Sea Monster’ Seen in New York’s East River
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK—Police dispatchers last night responded to over 300 calls reporting a “monster” by the Manhattan side of the East River. Various reports describe the “monster” as having tentacles and being of indiscernible size.

Wenn das mal nicht Big T himself ist.
Der Kerl wird im Zuge Gehennas noch rocken  8)

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."


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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #118 am: 21.11.2003 | 15:16 »
Das will ich doch mal schwer hoffen. Aber bitte nicht als Leute-mordender, undefinierbarer Fleischklumpen, oder Tentakelmonster. Das hätte überhaupt keinen Stil mehr.

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #119 am: 22.11.2003 | 11:54 »
ich glaube unser freund muss erstmal wieder zu einer vernünftigen form zurückfinden, also könnten wir auf so sachen wie den Azhi-Dahakar oder wie der hieß vorbereiten...
der Drache gilt bei den Metamorphen ja als perfekte (fleischlische) Form
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #120 am: 22.11.2003 | 14:53 »
Monday November 17, 2003
CDC Baffled by New York ‘Sea Monster’
NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK—Previous reports of the “monster” seen in the East River might not have been out of line. CDC agents report that biological detritus left in the monster’s wake consisted of a never-before-seen amalgam of necrotic flesh and fungus, in addition to an amount of as-yet-unspecified biomatter.

Hmm, vielleicht hat Tzimisce himsself neue Biomasse auf sich wachsen lassen, oder irgendsowas. Vielleicht auch nicht.
Hat vermutlich nicht viel zu bedeuten.
CDC ist übrigens das "Center for Disease Control and Prevention"

Azhi-Dahakar war ja quasi das Golconda für die Folger des Pfades der Metamorphose. Aber obs wirklich ein Drachen sein wird, das werden wir ja noch sehen.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #121 am: 22.11.2003 | 22:51 »
Hm ham die Technokraten nicht sowas ähnliches wie ne Orbitalstation? Zumindest hab ich mir das mal sagen lassen. Kann aber auch nur Gelabber sein...

Die Technokraten haben sogar eine Dysonossphäre bei Alpha Centauri. Und die Traditionen haben ne Bahnstation im Mondorbit. Also such dir was aus.

Asukhi Coproration von der da die Rede war, ist aber ne Organisation der Mumien. Also würde ich eher von dicken Himmels-Hekau ausgehen.

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #122 am: 22.11.2003 | 22:59 »

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #123 am: 24.11.2003 | 15:26 »
Guten Tag, noch 50 Tage bis zum Weltuntergang.

Tuesday November 18, 2003
Honored Queens: I was ordered by my father, the Golden Lion Emperor Chan Jianglu, to travel to your courts under flag of truce. I was to request aid against the unknown demon-hunters who have suddenly appeared in our midst. I was to tell you of the siege they have lain on the court in Singapore, of the burning of the Lexicon Club and other worrisome developments. I will not do so, for it is now too late. The Kuei-jin of Singapore have been sent to Yomi by these madmen, so I send only with a warning that you could be next. --Alina Chan

Eine neue Art von Huntern scheinen aufgetaucht zu sein.
Die Honored Queens sind die Herrscher von Indonesien, während Singapur von einem männnlichen Kuei-jin beherrscht sind, und diese befinden sich im Krieg.
Diese Hunter sind ziemlich stark, wenn sie einen ganzen Hof vernichtet haben. Wahrscheinlich hatten sie irgendwelche Hilfe.
 "Sent to Yomi" bedeutet, dass sie tot sind, und sie diesmal nicht mehr wiederkommen werden.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."


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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #124 am: 24.11.2003 | 19:40 »
Hussa, sieht so aus, als wolle die Welt mit den Übeln abrechnen, die sie in ihrem Griff haben.
Ich weiß ja nicht wies euch geht, aber ich steh auf solche letzten akte der Rache, bevor die große Zerstörung kommt. Das hat sowas episch-tragisches.