Autor Thema: Die Uhr tickt ...  (Gelesen 26663 mal)

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Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #75 am: 15.10.2003 | 14:03 »
Joa, so wirds vermutlich ungefähr sein, Cenrim.
Neue Meldung:

Monday October 13, 2003
Riots and Explosion Mar Spontaneous Indian Pilgrimage
CALCUTTA, INDIA—Indian authorities were all but helpless today as mobs of people gathered along the shores of the sacred Ganges River, claiming to be there to witness “the ascension of the demon avatars.” The gathering turned violent when, after attendees had waded out into the river, an explosion of unknown origin rocked the scene. The crowd rioted, resulting in the deaths of well over 100 people and nearly five times that number injured. Witnesses claimed to have seen burning figures walking on the surface of the river and four-armed avatars (described as manifestations of Hindu gods) attacking people and drinking their blood. Indian authorities have declared a state of emergency and imposed martial law in an effort to restore order.

Klingt sehr Demon-artig, aber mehr weiß ich auch nicht.

« Letzte Änderung: 15.10.2003 | 14:04 von SoulReaver »
"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #76 am: 15.10.2003 | 14:06 »
Naja... Vampire die im Sonnenlicht rumlaufen koennen schon brennen.

Und da vor einiger Zeit (vgl. deine .sig) 4 ALTE Vampire in der Gegend zu tun hatten von denen einer REICHLICH Nachkommen geschaffen hat kann es sein, dass diese Nachkommen (oder sogar die Ueberbleibsel eines der 4) "wiederkommen"
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Cenrim

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #77 am: 15.10.2003 | 23:23 »
und beim sunwalking brauchen se ne menge blut, um sich zu regnerieren...
aber 4 armig?
welche ALTEN vampire waren in der gegend?
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #78 am: 15.10.2003 | 23:31 »
Ravnos der von 3 Bodhisadvas (Kuei-Jin "Antediluvians") angegriffen wurde als er aus dem Torpor kam (oder umgekehrt?)
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Cenrim

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #79 am: 15.10.2003 | 23:39 »
von ravnos wußte ich, ich dachte der gälte als endgültig vernichtet
deshalb hab ich mich jetz gewundert
wer witzig wenn ravnos jetz was mit den Kuei-jin macht, würde sich die technokratie ziemlich wundern...

aber Kuei-Jin verotten doch, dann müssten es also Kin-Jin sein, wenn sie brennen
ravnos kinder?
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #80 am: 16.10.2003 | 14:06 »
Ravnos himself ist auch endgültig vernichtet, aber ein paar Ravnos gibts schon noch, auch alte.
Könnte schon sein, dass auch ein Ravnos Methusalem seine Finger im Spiel hat, in welcher Form auch immer.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #81 am: 16.10.2003 | 14:42 »
Tuesday October 14, 2003
Radio Caller Warns of 'Monsters Among Us'
ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA—Before being cut off during a broadcast of the Charlie Krongold Show, broadcast live on NPR stations nationwide, a caller identifying himself only as "Bookworm" launched into the following tirade earlier today: "They say the end is coming—and it is—but what if we can stop it from really being the final, game-over end? We can fortify ourselves. We can be good people. Lead by example. Monsters flourish like germs. If we keep a good, clean environment, the beasts can't get a foothold. We've let them go too long, and now the conspiracy is entrenched. But we can stop it! Society can still heal. These don't need to be our last days. The tunnel is going to be long and dark, but we can make it through to the other side. We can find our virtue to stop the monst—"

Bookworm ist ein Hunter, der eine recht blauäugige Lösung für die Probleme der Welt vorschlägt.
Aber immerhin könnte es ja schon sein, dass die Jäger als (von mir vermutete) Boten Gottes so wirklich eine Vielzahl an Sterblichen zur "Umkehr" bewegen können.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #82 am: 17.10.2003 | 14:07 »
Wednesday October 15, 2003
DC Blackout Lifts After Mayor Backs Down on 'Degenerate Cult'
WASHINGTON, DC—The nation's capital returned to calm—and daylight—this morning, shortly after the mayor retracted his earlier comments that an alternative religion calling itself the Church of Abaddon Ascendant was a "degenerate cult," and further promised to protect the organization from "persecution" by law enforcement agencies. The crisis began two days ago when a police raid on the Church of Abaddon Ascendant's newly built temple left 12 churchgoers and four police officers dead. That evening, an anonymous caller reportedly phoned the office of the mayor demanding that he and his officials "bow before the Ebon King who waits." Immediately thereafter the city was plunged into inexplicable darkness, touching off bloody riots that continued despite the declaration of martial law and the deployment of National Guard troops, tanks and helicopters.

Also, das ist ein ziemlich krasser Maskeradebruch.
Die Hauptstadt der USA zwei Tage lang in unnatürliche Dunkelheit gehüllt, wie wollen die das denn erklären? Smog wahrscheinlich  ::)
Der Verantwortliche ist ein Earthbound, da gegen seinen Kult vorgegangen worden ist. Es kam zu massiven Ausschreitungen und dem Einsatz der Nationalgarde. Das Chaos endete erst, nachdem die Behörden erklärt hatte, dass der Kult nicht mehr "belästigt" wird. Also wenn das nicht offene übernatürliche Macht ist, was dann?
Vielleicht sollte da Luzifer mal eingreifen ...

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #83 am: 20.10.2003 | 14:17 »
Ash Man Cult Murderers Still On the Run
GERLACH, NEVADA—Police have yet to announce arrests of the fugitive religious cult members who attempted to burn victims alive at last weekend’s Ash Man festival. The famed annual counterculture event draws thousands of devotees and tourists to a desert location outside Gerlach, Nevada. The Bright Foundation, a religious organization based in Las Vegas, had been using the event to recruit followers. Several regular attendees of the festival left their homes and jobs to commit themselves to a "Family Compound" in the Nevada desert. Spokespersons for the Bright Foundation deny that their organization was involved in the violent incident, but federal officials have convened an investigation of the group.


"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #84 am: 21.10.2003 | 20:09 »
Friday October 17, 2003
An army, I say. An army of bakemono is on the march through Mongolia with an ancient dead creature at its head. Dorbul the Brave, they call him, and they have already overthrown the Tiger’s Throat dragon nest. Only I escaped. --Three Whispers

In dem Kulturkreis der WoD kenne ich mich kaum aus, also teilt euer Wissen, wenn ihr welches darübert habt.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Cenrim

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #85 am: 22.10.2003 | 20:44 »
hab aigentlich auch keins, aber dragon nests sind sowas wie knotenpunkte der chi ströme glaube ich und bakemono sind laut google kobolde oder gespenster (bakamono/obake - verwandelte wesen)
das tigers throat wird wohl im norden von china liegen
da es ein untotes wesen ist, muss es wohl ein Kuei-Jin sein
der name Three Whispers weißt auf eine/n Bête hin, wobei ich nich wüsste was für eine/r...
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #86 am: 23.10.2003 | 17:05 »
Monday October 20, 2003
Syrians Protest US 'Fanaticism'
DAMASCUS, SYRIA—Massive protests took place in Syria and much of the rest of the Arab World today over US rhetoric that some have called fanatic. Syrian government officials, speaking to the protestors in Damascus, decried the "Christian fanaticism being spouted by America." This comes one day after the newly installed American administrator in Iraq called his agenda in the region "advancing the plan laid out for us in Scripture." Despite a stream of communiqués from Washington arguing that the ambassador was referring to Christian charity, sources inside the interim authority in Baghdad claim that many top officials are now "reading Revelations for policy choices.

Hmm, wüßte nicht, warum das einen WoD-Hintergrund haben sollte.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #87 am: 24.10.2003 | 14:24 »
Tuesday October 21, 2003
Gases and Night Fires Follow Scottish Quake
ACHNASHEEN, SCOTLAND—The town of Achnasheen was the center of an unexpected burst in seismic activity last night, registering 4.3 on the Richter scale. Residents report sulfurous odors rising from the ground in nearby fields, and several people claim to have seen greenish lights, like flames, on the hilltops at night.

Klingt, als würde sich ganz klassisch die Hälle auftun.
Hoffen wir mal, das es nicht so ist  ;)

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #88 am: 25.10.2003 | 13:19 »
In dem Kulturkreis der WoD kenne ich mich kaum aus, also teilt euer Wissen, wenn ihr welches darübert habt.

Bakemono sind Fomori. Drachennester sind magische Orte.

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #89 am: 27.10.2003 | 01:19 »
Wednesday October 22, 2003
Twelve of us have come from far, three of us dying on the scarred ground of Bangladesh. We have but one message. Prepare, for Voormas has taken the Realm of Entropy.

Anscheinend nimmt einer der Kueijin Bodhisattvas auf den Kampf gegen Ravnos himself bezug.
Mir ist eldier nicht bekannt, wer Voormas ist.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #90 am: 27.10.2003 | 08:17 »
Tuesday October 21, 2003
Gases and Night Fires Follow Scottish Quake
ACHNASHEEN, SCOTLAND—The town of Achnasheen was the center of an unexpected burst in seismic activity last night, registering 4.3 on the Richter scale. Residents report sulfurous odors rising from the ground in nearby fields, and several people claim to have seen greenish lights, like flames, on the hilltops at night.

Klingt, als würde sich ganz klassisch die Hälle auftun.
Hoffen wir mal, das es nicht so ist  ;)

Wenn mich mein mageres Werwolf Wissen nicht täuscht, liegt das schwarze Labyrinth der Black Spiral Dancer in der Nähe, die grünen Flammen sollten demzufolge Baalsfeuer (hoffe die Übersetzung stimmt) gewesen sein.  
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!

Offline Selganor [n/a]

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #91 am: 27.10.2003 | 09:37 »
Wer nicht weiss wer Voormas ist...

Mir faellt eben noch ein dass in Schottland die White Howlers herkamen ehe sie zu den Black Spiral Dancers wurden...
Abraham Maslow said in 1966: "It is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #92 am: 28.10.2003 | 21:26 »
Thursday October 23, 2003
450 Die in ‘Rain of Fire’ in Jerusalem
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL—Local residents and religious leaders were horrified last night by a shower of sulfurous rock that left blazing trails across the cloudy sky and caused untold damage among Jerusalem’s holiest shrines. The rain of fire and brimstone began at midnight and lasted until just before dawn, causing fires and spawning clouds of noxious fumes that left close to 450 people dead and thousands injured.

Ui, biblische Plagen, da haben die Demons wohl ihr Gsicht dahinter.
Aber gibt es ein bestimmtes Individuum bei ihnen, das sowas vollbringen und einen Grund dafür haben könnte?

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."


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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #93 am: 29.10.2003 | 01:37 »
So dann mische ich mich mal ein und versuche ein paar Sachen bezüglich meiner Lieblingskinder, der Hunter zu klären:

Wendell Dellburton - Ja der Mann war ein Fanatiker (mit christlichem Hintergrund) und war sehr gewaltätig. Da er sich wiederholt öffentlich vehement gegen das "töten von Ungeborenen" ausgesprochen hat würde ich sagen, das war einfach die Art (seines Mörders) seinen Tod zu vertuschen.

Bookworm55 - Ja das ist wirklich nur ein Hunter der ziemlich blauäugige Ansichten hat und deshalb von einem Vampir zum Krüppel gemacht wurde. Das mit dem Telefonanruf passt sehr gut in das Bild das man von ihm bekommt wenn man die Hunter Bücher liest.

Soulreavers Theorien: Hm also das ist jetzt ein ziemlich dicker Spoiler für alle die Hunter zocken wollen aber nun ja:


Die "Herolde" die den Huntern ihre Kräfte geben sind nahezu allmächtige unsterbliche tranzendente Wesen, die es schon immer gab und denen etwas am Wohlbefinden der Erde und den Menschen im speziellen liegt.
Sie kennen auch den Kreislauf von dem immerwieder geredet wird nur zu gut und ihr Plan mit den Jägern ist es die "schlimme Zeit" (6. Zeitalter)  so kurz wie möglich zu halten indem die Erde "gesäubert" wird. Außerdem soll möglichst wenig "schlechtes/unmenschliches" es in das neue schöne Zeitalter rüber schaffen.

Das ganze haben sie übrigens schon mal abgezogen aber nach glücklich überstandener Apokalypse haben die Hunter ihre Kräfte genutzt um sich zu Herrschern über die Menschen aufzuschwingen. Das hat dann auch den "Chef" der Herolde dazu gebracht der Menschheit den Rücken zu kehren. Jetzt versuchen sies eben ohne ihn.
« Letzte Änderung: 29.10.2003 | 01:39 von Teclador »

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #94 am: 29.10.2003 | 20:31 »
Danke für den Beitrag, Teclador.
Und mit Hunter gehts auch gleich weiter:

Friday October 24, 2003
One minute the LA skyline was normal. Then it was just there. This massive goddamn black shape. Like an old church, a Gothic cathedral, but enormous. More than enormous. I think it was at least a mile wide, more than a hundred stories high. It threw me, but I thought it was a vision or a waking dream, something thrown at me by ‘them.’ Then I heard plates falling to the floor beside me. I looked around, and the waitress at the café was just staring at the building, jaw on the floor. She could see it too.

Da der Schleier zwischen den Realitäten immer dünner wird, scheint es, dass nicht nur Hunter das Zweite Gesicht haben. In diesen unruhigen Zeiten ist es selbst einer (vermutlich) einfachen Sterblichen möglich, mehr zu sehen als zu sein scheint.
Die Kathedrale ist Genhinnom, der Palast der Schatten, Luzifers altes Domizil  :o

« Letzte Änderung: 1.11.2003 | 01:13 von SoulReaver »
"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."


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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #95 am: 30.10.2003 | 00:27 »
Also: Der Hunter vermutet zuerst eine Vision der Herolde, da Hunter ihr zweites Gesicht erst willentlich aktivieren müssen um Übernatürliches zu erkennen. Diese Tatsache, zusammen mit der Erwähnung der Kellnerin, deutet daraufhin, dass die Kathedrale wirklich etwas ist was jeder normale Mensch sehen kann.
Auch wenn das über der Skyline von LA eigentlich jede Menge Aufruhr erzeugen sollte...

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #96 am: 30.10.2003 | 13:13 »
Jaja, die maskerade und alle ähnlichen Dinge der anderen Übernatürlichen brechen vollkommen zusammen, aber die Folgen davon stehen nicht im Ticker, da werden wir wohl auf die Gehennabücher warten müssen.

Releasetermin in USA in 75 Tagen

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #97 am: 30.10.2003 | 15:27 »
Monday October 27, 2003
LA Couple Says Daughter Abducted by Blood Cult
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA—Mr. Jonathan Cross and his wife Alexandra appeared last night on local television channels pleading for the return of their daughter Jenna, said to have been abducted by one of the many blood cults now making the news. They describe her abductor as a bearded New Age guru calling himself “Smiling Jack.”

Nun, wer ist Smiling Jack?
Smiling Jack ist ein Brujah der 10.Generation, *1611
Er ist ein Anarchenführer mit einigem Ansehen aus Los Angeles. Seit dieser Zeit ist Smiling Jack ein beständiger Stachel im Fleisch der Kainiten als auch der Kinder des Lotos.
Er galt seit ca. 1965 oder so als vernichtet, aber anscheinend gibts ihn noch.

"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

Offline Vandal Savage

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #98 am: 31.10.2003 | 15:22 »
Tuesday October 28, 2003
Violence and Madness Grip OSU Campus
COLUMBUS, OHIO—The Ohio State University campus became a battleground yesterday afternoon as two groups of assailants engaged in what appears to have been a running gun battle, lasting a full eight hours. Witnesses also report a variety of sights during the chaos, including the appearance of such fanciful beings as dragons and elves. No sign of such beasts were uncovered after the battle ended, but authorities are reportedly at a loss as to the motives or identities of the combatants. Those arrested at the scene are seemingly suffering from acute amnesia and deny any memory of a battle, much less any fairy tale monsters. Sixteen people died during the violence.

Könnten solche Kreaturen auf Changeling hinweisen?
"I planned and fought and won battles you have only read about in your history books, boy. You're no tactician. There's too much need in you. Too much to prove to everyone. It's like a craving. That's your weakness. That's your undoing."

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Re:Die Uhr tickt ...
« Antwort #99 am: 31.10.2003 | 15:33 »
ich glaube kaum das es sich bei den drachen um mokolé handelt ;)
würde auch sagen das es Changelings sind, aber können menschen sowas sehen?
lala la la lah, lala la la lah...