Absehbar ist der
SO 22.12. um 15 Uhr.Es sieht wohl nach Brettspielen oder einem Exkurs in "Kingdom" aus - falls Ucalegon Zeit hat, evtl. Eclipse Phase...
-> Für die Woche drauf ist der 29. oder 30. im Gespräch gewesen...man konsultiere allseits die Terminkalender!
Zu den potenziell interessanten Icons:
Crusader (“I fear nothing, least of all doing what must be done.”)
is the armored fist of the Dark Gods. So long as followers of the Gods of Light stay the hell out of his way, the Crusader turns his wrath
against the demons that would destroy the world his own gods want to rule. Follow the Crusader if you must win at any cost.
Dwarf King (“In the name of the Ancestors of Adamant, I accept the return of these stolen dwarf treasures.”)
is lord of Forge, the dwarves’ new homeland beneath the mountains. He’d love to reclaim the dwarven Underhome lost to war against the dark elves and the creatures of the deeps. But now that the Empire is stumbling, the dwarves find themselves manning the mountain walls that shield the Empire from the orcs and monsters of the north.
Elf Queen (“We accept your most gracious offer of an invitation, my dear cousin.”)
rules the Court of Stars, the one place where wood elves, elves, and high elves come together as peers and allies instead of as rivals or enemies. Honed by centuries of experience, the Queen’s innate magic at least equals the Archmage’s spells.
Emperor (“As long as I draw breath, the Empire is safe.”)
rules the world’s greatest human kingdom, known as Dragon Empire for the mounts of its mightiest warriors. All the signs suggest that the age is turning, but will the Empire fall or shift to a new balance?
The Three (“If the gods didn’t intend for us to eat you, why did they make you taste so good?”)
were among the first dragons to walk the world. The Red is a living engine of destruction. The Blue is a sorceress, perhaps even the original mother of all sorcery. The Black is queen of shadows and assassins. Unlike the Great Gold Wyrm, who must fight alone, the Three have learned to join forces.
High Druid (“There’s a place for your roads and your cities: hunched tight to the shores of that fangless thing you still call a sea.”)
is the champion of the resurgent Wild, and the spiritual and magical leader of spirits of nature and the elements that were chained by the Empire but are now working themselves free. She might be the great force that shakes the empire to pieces or the hero who destroys the destroyers and points to a new way to live.
Lich King (“All may hate me, but none may deny me.”)
is the lord of the undead, a fallen tyrant who intends to conquer the Dragon Empire and restore his ancient kingdom. He’s not entirely
insane and mostly understands that ruling a kingdom is not the same as destroying it.
Prince of Shadows (‘”Don’t bother thanking me, I already thanked myself to your gold and your lover’s heart.”)
is part thief, part trickster, and part assassin. To some he is a hero; to others a villain. He has squandered the riches of the dwarves,
murdered the hopes of a dragon, and plundered the dreams of a god. His exploits have changed the world, but none can tell you his ultimate goals or motives