Tut mir Leid, wenn manche davon schon erwähnt wurden :
Siren’s Call: Interstellar Colonization RoleplayingA campaign and interstellar colonization sourcebook for the Shadows Over Sol roleplaying game.
Aquilae: Western Realm Gazetteer (Pathfinder/5E)Maps, characters, gods, history, and lore describing a richly-detailed fantasy campaign setting in the world of Dark Obelisk.
Fuel Priest - The Dieselpunk Tabletop RPGFly airplanes and fight classism in a dieselpunk, tabletop role playing game with the Goddess of Progress, the Maiden of Oil!
CAPERS RPGA Super-Powered Game of Gangsters in the Roaring Twenties
Flying Circus - A Roleplaying Game of High-Flying Adventure!A Powered by the Apocalypse game of mercenary fighter pilots surviving their high-stress career in world of machines and magic.
The Dinosaur Protocol (for Savage Worlds)A post-apocalyptic table top role playing game of adventure and discovery in the jungles and plains of a world grown wild and strange.
Christopher McGlothlin's World Defenders: The SummitIt's a superteam. It's a Rat Pack homage. It's written by Christopher McGlothlin (TIME OF CRISIS, TIME OF VENGEANCE, GOLDEN AGE, NOIR).
Tabletop Tokens: Premium Plastic Tokens for Tabletop RPGsBeautifully hand-drawn, plastic tokens to creatively add depth and immersion to any RPG battlemap
Bodycount: An OTT Cyberpunk Tabletop RPGFast Pen and Paper Game RPG. Set in a Cyber Punk/Space Punk Setting. This game is an 80's action movie; bloody, fast and action packed
SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! 2nd Edition Tabletop RPG Bloat GamesThe Zombies we all fear are back and in full color! The 2nd of STZ incorporates all that loved about the 1E but adds so much more!
ANKUR "Land of the first people" Africa setting expansionA setting expansion for the ANKUR tabletop RPG centered on the continent of Africa.
The Onepage OneshotsAn easy way to quickly start a game of tabletop rpg
Far Away Land Tabletop Role-Playing GameFar Away Land is a unique, gonzo, rules-lite fantasy science fiction tabletop rpg for gamers of all ages.
The Demonplague - A 5E Campaign With Sandbox & HexcrawlGM a clever mix of classic D&D adventure, sandbox, and hexcrawl in a post-apocalyptic setting you can easily drop into your world.
Extinction Event Campaign Guide for Champions CompleteA science fiction campaign guide for transcendent humans in an alternate Earth shrouded in intrigue, conspiracies and covert spec ops
DCC RPG compatible adventure: Greenwood of the Fey SovereignAdventure into the domain of the wild elves in this Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG compatible adventure (adapts to any fantasy RPG)