Ich gehe mal davon aus, das Cercei, Varis und Littlefinger die anderen PCs sind
Name:Tyrion Lanister
Concept/Bio: Sheming Imp of Lanister
Lifepaths: Born Noble, Lead to City Dweller, Student, Lead to Noble Court, Courtier, Chronicler
Age : 29
Stats: Wi: B6, Pe: B4, Po: B3, Fo: B4, Ag: B4, Sp: B4, Speed Mult.: x3.5
Attributes: Ref: B4, Ste: B4, Hes: 4, Hea: B5, MW: B9, Circles: B3, Resources: B1
PTGS: Su: B3 Li: B5 Mi: B6 Se: B7 Tr: B8 Mo: B9
I will prove myself in the eyes of my father by serving as the hand. I will look for powerfull alies to wed my sisters children too
Shae is my love, i will protect her whatever the cost
A Lanister allways pays his depts
Newer show my full hand
In your free time: read
Scold Jofrey whenever i can
Traits: [Dt] Mark of Privilege, [Dt] Rapier Wit, [Char] Prone to Exaggeration, [Char] Cynical, [Char] Denouncer [Dt] Short
Skills: City-Wise B3, Composition B2, Court Gossip-Wise B4, Etiquette B4, Extortion B3, History B3, Inconspicuous B3, Noble-Wise B3, Obscure History B2, Observation B2, Oratory B3, Persuasion B5, Philosophy B2, Read B2, Rule of Law B3, Streetwise B2, Ugly Truth B4, Write B2
Affiliations: 1D Lanister
Reputations: 2D Imp of Lanister
Relationships: Tywin Lanister (Powerful, immediate family, hateful/rival), Shae (Minor, romantic love, forbidden), Bran (Bodyguard)
Gear: Clothes, Shoes
Bare Fisted I:B2 M:B3 S:B4 Add 2 VA 0 Fast Shortest
Meinung dazu? Theon find ich gibt noch nen besseren Burning Wheel Char...