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Offline stefoid

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[Ingenero] a new game
« am: 17.10.2012 | 10:55 »
Hi, sorry I dont speak Deutsch, but I did travel through your lovely country way back in 1995!  I stayed for a few weeks in Erfurt and Nürnberg with some friends.

Anyway, I am an Australian indie RPG designer and I have a new game which I thought might interest your readers - I was directed to this site by a Norwegiean reader of Story Games website.

For some reason my handful of sales so far have mostly been to European customers, so I guess the game must appeal to Europeans.

So I am trying to promote this little game in European RPG websites.

Here my game website (sorry the game is in English, although if someone wanted to translate the game to Deutsch, that would be nice)

thanks for your time,



Offline Bad Horse

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #1 am: 17.10.2012 | 18:56 »
Hi Steve,

welcome to Tanelorn (I think that's a song by Blind Guardian, but anyhow...  ;)).

Would you like to tell us a few things about Ingenero? In what way is it different from other Indie Games?
Zitat von: William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Korrekter Imperativ bei starken Verben: Lies! Nimm! Gib! Tritt! Stirb!

Ein Pao ist eine nachbarschaftsgroße Arztdose, die explodiert, wenn man darauf tanzt. Und: Hast du einen Kraftsnack rückwärts geraucht?


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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #2 am: 17.10.2012 | 19:29 »
Just read a bit of the introduction. I like the philosophy of improvisation that is spread about all players and theGM. Definitely looks good so far. 

Offline stefoid

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #3 am: 17.10.2012 | 22:27 »
Hi Steve,

welcome to Tanelorn (I think that's a song by Blind Guardian, but anyhow...  ;)).

Would you like to tell us a few things about Ingenero? In what way is it different from other Indie Games?


These five principles guide the design.  I wanted to make a system that recognises and supports the goals of your characters, both internal and external, and provide elegant mechanics to strive for those goals.

1) Improvisation:  Ingenero scenarios are designed around an intriguing initial situation and a cast of great characters — both PCs and NPCs — and everybody improvises play from that point, including the GM.  So the GM is just another player with a cast of characters to play.  There is no preconceived plot to stick to.

possible problems avoided:  trying to stick to a preconceived plot is stressful for the GM and robs the players of choice.

2) Character-driven focus and pacing:  During play, the things that should be focussed on and examined are the things that matter to the characters – their aims and goals.  In fact the system has two alternating phases of play specifically to deal with events that are highly relevant to characters goals and those that aren’t.  Which of course means that the players dictate the pace and focus of the game through their choice of character goals.

possible problems avoided:  bored or unsatisfied players because what is happening during play isn’t relevant for their character and vice-versa.

3) Internal goals are just as important as external goals:  An external goal is when a character wants to make something external to himself happen – win a fight, rob a bank, kiss a girl, etc…  Internal goals are those that satisfy something within the character — generally giving the character some sense of emotional satisfaction such as gaining admiration, feeding an ego, asserting their status over someone else, etc…  Ingenero treats these goals of equal importance during play.  Another way to say it is — whats going on in a characters head is just as important as what the character does.

possible problems avoided:  focusing on purely external achievements may make for ‘samey’ play, one-dimensional characters and lack of interpersonal drama.

4)  Fictional positioning is key:  During action challenges, fictional positioning and risk-taking are the main paths to success.  Fictional positioning means finding a way to get your character into an advantageous position and then capitalising on it.  Such as gaining the high ground, providing covering fire, knocking an opponent off balance, etc…  Ingenero also allows characters to increase their effectiveness if they put themselves in increased physical or mental danger, such as stepping out of cover to get a better shot, or staking your last hope on a decisive action.  Combined, these tactics encourage colourful and dramatic action sequences.

possible problems avoided:  straight up battles of attrition that rely on low-probability dice outcomes to spice things up.

5) Emotional manipulation is key:  During social challenges, social skills affect perception and emotion, but they don’t dictate outcomes.  Players always retain control of how their characters respond to those emotions or perceptions.  If one character makes another afraid, for example, the other players character decides how to respond to that fear.  It might be to try to hide it, or run away, or retaliate.  The same for any emotion, shame, greed, happy – whatever.

possible problems avoided:  Social skills being a ‘mind-control’ option with a binary outcome.

Offline Gummibär

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #4 am: 17.10.2012 | 22:49 »
At 4), risk-taking, you mean, that doing something risky, that is tactical stupid, will be honored by XP (or similiar) to have players make decisions, that are not profitable short-term, to get more speed and excitement at combat? (Sorry for my English.)
Du greifst Teichdragon & Co. an und äußerst jetzt Unverständnis, wenn sich einer von ihnen zu Wort meldet?

Gut gemacht.  :gaga:

Offline Bad Horse

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #5 am: 17.10.2012 | 23:48 »
I think that sounds pretty exiting. :)

Could you give me an example of the game's mechanisms at work? How does it differ from FATE? What is the GM's main job? Just playing the NPCs? In social challenges, is it a straight-out conflict or is there the possibility of a win-win-outcome?

Sorry for the many questions, but I'm curious now.  ;D
Zitat von: William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming
The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.

Korrekter Imperativ bei starken Verben: Lies! Nimm! Gib! Tritt! Stirb!

Ein Pao ist eine nachbarschaftsgroße Arztdose, die explodiert, wenn man darauf tanzt. Und: Hast du einen Kraftsnack rückwärts geraucht?

Offline stefoid

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #6 am: 18.10.2012 | 00:24 »
At 4), risk-taking, you mean, that doing something risky, that is tactical stupid, will be honored by XP (or similiar) to have players make decisions, that are not profitable short-term, to get more speed and excitement at combat? (Sorry for my English.)

Not exactly.  You could make a stupid risk or you could make a calculated risk, its up to you.  The pay-off for a risk, successfully made, is increased effectiveness such as extra damage for instance.

Check the 'fictional positioning and risk taking' example from the website, here:

Offline stefoid

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #7 am: 18.10.2012 | 00:33 »
I think that sounds pretty exiting. :)

Could you give me an example of the game's mechanisms at work? How does it differ from FATE? What is the GM's main job? Just playing the NPCs? In social challenges, is it a straight-out conflict or is there the possibility of a win-win-outcome?

Sorry for the many questions, but I'm curious now.  ;D

The GM has many traditional responsibilities, but the main point of difference is: rather than pre-plan a plot and some attention to NPCs, he pre-plans a starting situation and a lot of attention to a cast of motivated NPCs.    then the players and the GM role-play to find out what happens next.

In social challenges, it depends on the characters intent.  All challenges revolve around a character goal.  If the character goal is to help others reach agreement, or to make a compromise or whatever, that is a valid goal.   The goal is up to the player - the tools Ingenero gives the players are 1) the ability to try to see what other characters are really thinking or feeling (or hide it). 2) the ability to invoke some kind of emotional response in another character.

The important thing is that neither of these tools enables one character to force another to think or do something specific - that decision on how to react to their emotions rests with the player controlling the character - example:  'he made my character very angry - how would she react to that?'

An interesting thing is that a characters goal for a challenge may be 'internal' - it may be to make themselves feel better by making another character angry or sad. 
« Letzte Änderung: 18.10.2012 | 00:53 von stefoid »

Offline Gummibär

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #8 am: 18.10.2012 | 02:26 »
If somebody offers a play at NRW, contact me, please. (A german play. ;) )
Du greifst Teichdragon & Co. an und äußerst jetzt Unverständnis, wenn sich einer von ihnen zu Wort meldet?

Gut gemacht.  :gaga:

Offline Timberwere

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RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #9 am: 18.10.2012 | 09:01 »
Hi Steve,

first of all: welcome to the Tanelorn forum!

Secondly: I've taken a look at Ingenero, and I must say it really looks pretty intriguing. I would definitely be interested in learning more about it.
So apart from Bad Horse's questions, here's one from me: How does conflict resolution work (The gameplay mechanism was the one section I haven't had the time to read, sorry... *cough*)

Any chance you'll be at one of the major role-playing conventions in Germany (e.g. RPC next May) by any chance and offer a playtest? :D
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Meine Rede.
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Wenn das deine Rede war, entschuldige dich gefälligst, dass Timberwere sie nicht vorher bekommen hat und dadurch so ein Stress entstanden ist!

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #10 am: 18.10.2012 | 09:09 »

Offline stefoid

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Re: RE: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #11 am: 18.10.2012 | 09:25 »
Hi Steve,

first of all: welcome to the Tanelorn forum!

Secondly: I've taken a look at Ingenero, and I must say it really looks pretty intriguing. I would definitely be interested in learning more about it.
So apart from Bad Horse's questions, here's one from me: How does conflict resolution work (The gameplay mechanism was the one section I haven't had the time to read, sorry... *cough*)

Any chance you'll be at one of the major role-playing conventions in Germany (e.g. RPC next May) by any chance and offer a playtest? :D

No chance Ill be travelling overseas anywhere in the near future Im afraid :(

Challenge phase is entered when a character is close to achieving a goal  (where dice are used to resolve challenging situations and conflicts)

During challenge phase, players state their challenging intentions as 'plays'.  Either they make them up on the spot, or chose a 'signature' play which is something at which they excel.

The short summary is that you state a play, and if it is opposed, roll a number of d10s for the proficiency the play belongs to, and take the highest die value rolled.  If you roll higher than the opposing roll, your play takes effect, otherwise the opposing play takes effect.

Here is a character showing proficiencies and plays
Name:  Major Septimus Braithwaite   Body:  3   Soul:  5
Proficiencies:  SORCERER 3 (Combat magic 5), BEUREAU OFFICER 3
+1 Hold attackers at bay with deft sword-cane blocks and precision slashes

+1 Shoot calmly and efficiently with a pistol at arms length

+1 Rattle a single opponent with a thundering command word

+1 Halt a supernatural being, for a time, with a warding word and raised palms

+1 Smash or bend an object, or hurt someone, with a blow and a power word
+1 Deflect any kind of attack with a protection word and cutting hand
+1 Assert his authority with steely confidence.

+1 Rally his comrades with inspiring words
+1 Resist fear with quiet resolve and a stiff upper lip
+1 Bond with someone using a fatherly aspect.

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #12 am: 18.10.2012 | 09:31 »
Sounds interesting so far, can't wait to try it out.
Engel – ein neues Kapitel enthüllt sich.

“Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass es viele verschiedene Arten von Rollenspielern gibt, die unterschiedliche Vorlieben und Perspektiven haben. Es ist wichtig, dass alle Spieler respektvoll miteinander umgehen und dass keine Gruppe von Spielern das Recht hat, andere auszuschließen oder ihnen vorzuschreiben, wie sie spielen sollen.“ – Hofrat Settembrini

Offline stefoid

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #13 am: 18.10.2012 | 11:50 »
Sounds interesting so far, can't wait to try it out.

Hope you enjoy it, let me know how you go!


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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #14 am: 18.10.2012 | 14:12 »
I think I'll have a look at it this weekend, your description sounds really good.

Offline Gummibär

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #15 am: 19.10.2012 | 07:31 »

before you roll against opposition, you can take risk. that means, you have a stake for this roll, but you can increase this stake. it doesn't change anything about your chances to win the roll. and it doesn't matter what you do in the fiction (unless you adress a signature).

did i understand it correctly?
Du greifst Teichdragon & Co. an und äußerst jetzt Unverständnis, wenn sich einer von ihnen zu Wort meldet?

Gut gemacht.  :gaga:

Offline stefoid

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #16 am: 19.10.2012 | 10:12 »

before you roll against opposition, you can take risk. that means, you have a stake for this roll, but you can increase this stake. it doesn't change anything about your chances to win the roll. and it doesn't matter what you do in the fiction (unless you adress a signature).

did i understand it correctly?

You can risk to increase your chance (+1/2 to roll)  or to increase your effect (+1/2 to harm)

If you tie, or lose, you lose those risked points you staked.

Offline stefoid

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #17 am: 19.10.2012 | 14:57 »

before you roll against opposition, you can take risk. that means, you have a stake for this roll, but you can increase this stake. it doesn't change anything about your chances to win the roll. and it doesn't matter what you do in the fiction (unless you adress a signature).

did i understand it correctly?

To be more precise:  it does matter what you do in the fiction.  What your character is risking must be clearly stated in the fiction in order that the risk be valid.  You would not say "My character risks 2 points of body for extra harm".  You would say "To strike a harder blow, my character raises his sword high over his head, exposing himself to a counter-strike (risk 2 points of body)". 

It is easy for the GM to interpret the outcome of the contest: a win and a significant blow is struck.  A loss and a counter-strike of 2 points harm is the result, in addition to the opponents intention.

It is usual for a character to first gain a position of advantage before risking such behaviour, but a desparate situation may demand bigger (foolhardy?) risks.

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #18 am: 25.10.2012 | 20:11 »
Coincidentally I am looking out for players and a system to build up game of thrones style fantasy saga rpg party. Until now, my tendencies considering the system were at FATE2Go or an aspect only version of FATE, but your game, obviously, is quite interesting.

Is there any chance that the print version of Ingenero will be available in german stores anytime soon? I'd prefer the printed version over the pdf.
Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #19 am: 25.10.2012 | 21:56 »
Coincidentally I am looking out for players and a system to build up game of thrones style fantasy saga rpg party. Until now, my tendencies considering the system were at FATE2Go or an aspect only version of FATE, but your game, obviously, is quite interesting.

Is there any chance that the print version of Ingenero will be available in german stores anytime soon? I'd prefer the printed version over the pdf.

You can order the print version online from my website , or Amazon.  Im afraid there isnt a German version.

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #20 am: 26.10.2012 | 10:31 »
Last time I ordered from the US I got trouble with custom. However, I do try my luck again.

I'll write down my experiences here or in a session diary once the campaign starts. This won't happen in 2012, though.
Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #21 am: 26.10.2012 | 14:06 »
Last time I ordered from the US I got trouble with custom. However, I do try my luck again.

I'll write down my experiences here or in a session diary once the campaign starts. This won't happen in 2012, though.

Love to hear it.

Offline stefoid

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #22 am: 18.01.2013 | 06:48 »
I wonder if anyone who looked into Ingnero has any feedback or questions? 

Offline Crimson King

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #23 am: 21.01.2013 | 14:28 »
I read it, but to be honest I am not convinced that Ingenero does anything that Fate2Go doesn't at least equally well. No final judgement without playtest though.
Nichts Bessers weiß ich mir an Sonn- und Feiertagen
Als ein Gespräch von Krieg und Kriegsgeschrei,
Wenn hinten, weit, in der Türkei,
Die Völker aufeinander schlagen.
Man steht am Fenster, trinkt sein Gläschen aus
Und sieht den Fluß hinab die bunten Schiffe gleiten;
Dann kehrt man abends froh nach Haus,
Und segnet Fried und Friedenszeiten.

J.W. von Goethe

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Re: [Ingenero] a new game
« Antwort #24 am: 28.01.2013 | 10:35 »
I read it, but to be honest I am not convinced that Ingenero does anything that Fate2Go doesn't at least equally well. No final judgement without playtest though.

Please tell me about 'fate 2 go'?