So, auch ich möchte in Feuersängers Runde mitspielen und habe nun hoffentlich einen ungefähr brauchbaren Charakter zusammengebastelt. Geplant ist ein Charakter, der in erster Linie kämpft, aber halt auch ein paar soziale Fertigkeiten zur Geltung bringen kann. Daher die Mischung aus Barde und Crusader. Ich wüsste daher gerne: Ist die Auswahl so gut? Gibt es bestimmte Taktiken, die ich mir merken sollte?
Crusader 1/Barde 2 (bis Stufe 5 Barde, dann Rest Crusader)
Stärke 16 (+3)
Geschick 14 (+2)
Konstitution 14 (+2)
Intelligenz 10
Weisheit 10
Charisma 14 (+2)
H Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Meteor Hammer)
1 Combat Reflexes +2 Attack of Opportunities
3 Song of White Raven - inspire courage as swift action while in White Raven Stance
5 Song of the Heart
7 Knowledge Devotion
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: As a crusader, you are proficient with simple weapons, martial weapons; light, medium and heavy armor, and all shields.
Steely Resolve 5 (erste fünf Punkte Schaden gehen in Schadenspool, Einfluss erst in Folgerunde, verstärken nächsten Angriff um +1 -> Furious Counterstrike)
Bardic music, bardic knowledge, countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1, Inspire competence
Diplomacy 5
Intimidate 5
Knowledge (Religion) 4
Knowledge (History) 4
Knowledge [Arcana] 1
Knowledge [Dungeoneering] 1
Knowledge [Nature] 5
Knowledge [Religion] 1
Knowledge [The planes] 1
Perform [Singing] 5
Perform [Wind instruments] 3
Manöver (White Raven)
A maneuver usable by crusaders is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in its description. Your maneuver are not affected by spell resistance, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when you initiate one.
Douse the flames: Strike - target cannot make attacks of opportunity for 1 round
Leading the attack: Strike - Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against foes you strike
Leading the charge: Stance - Allies deal +1 damage per initiator level on charge attacks
Crusader's Strike: Strike - Successful attack allows you to heal 1d6 +1 /initiator level
Vanguard Strike: Strike - Allies gain +4 bonus on attacks against target
Charging Minotaur: Strike - charging bull rush deals damage, ignores attacks of opportunity.
Stufe 0: Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, Summon Instrument
Stufe 1: Inspirational Boost, Charm Person