Autor Thema: Dungeon World  (Gelesen 93851 mal)

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #250 am: 17.07.2013 | 10:53 »
Merkwürdig. Ich hab das Buch sehr gerne gelesen und fand den Stil sehr angenehm.

Ein jeder Jeck ist bekanntlich anders.  ~;D

Außerdem, meine Aussage und deine Aussage müssen sich nicht unbedingt widersprechen... ;)

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #251 am: 17.07.2013 | 11:14 »
Wer interessiert ist: Ich habe in der G+-Community mal meine Erfahrungen der ersten Runde gepostet.
You're here for two things: to fucking ruin someone's shit, and to play a friendly game of make-believe.


Offline Praion

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #252 am: 20.07.2013 | 10:02 »
Thief Week auf Google+

Class Week is a chance for all the people that love Dungeon World to come together and be creative. Let's share new content for the given class and discuss it's fictional and mechanical possibilities. Let's check the moves again in depth and see what can be done with them if applied creatively.
Any rules questions about them? We got you covered.
Class Week runs at the last of  every month.


Here are some suggestions of things from the community:

Magic devices.
Applications for the Heist move.
Organizations as monsters?

Deconstruction of the archetype.  Why "Thief" and not "Rogue" or "Specialist" or w/e

What happens to thieves who steal from gods? (Maybe deal with Promethean themes.)

New poisons could be a lot of fun

I like the idea of discussing which fictional advantages the thief should be able to know. Like most classes would have to look through a room in depth to discern realities for a trap door, while a thief would merely have to glance around to trigger the same  move.

How the class could do roles of ninja, assassination, mob boss, or beguiling con man.
Alternate/expanded roles might also include highwayman, pirate, spy, or detective.

Another thought is a way to get leverage for parley at a risk to the thief. The Phisher gambit. 

Examples of Suspicion, Danger, and Cost for Tricks of the Trade.
Maybe some expanded thoughts or rules on loot (its value, where to fence it, etc)

Alternatives to the poison  moves, because none of my thief players have ever used that.

Examples of different Thieves Guilds and how to join, what they do._

Grifting for Fun and Profit

I'd like to see a discussion of the Thief's use of poisons.

Varieties of law enforcement (town guards, bounty hunters, mystical guardians). And different ways for characters to deal with them (bribery, corruption, truce). Good for both organized crime and individual Thieves!

"Official Schedule" of X Week

22.-28 Juli - Thief Week
26-1. August - Wizard Week
23.-29. September - Paladin Week
21.-27. Oktober - Bard Week
25.-30. November - Ranger Week
16-22. December - Cleric Week (earlier because of holidays)

Check out the Hashtags #FighterWeek  and #DruidWeek  for bygone ClassWeeks.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #253 am: 21.07.2013 | 18:07 »
Zitat von: Johnstone Metzger
Raiders of the Lost Ark is a game of Dungeon World.

The first session of this game has only one PC, Indiana Jones. He's tromping through the jungle, hunting for treasure. The GM decides to make a few soft moves, like "the Hovitos are here. Three days, the poison is still fresh" (announcing off-screen badness), and then pulls something more dangerous: an ambush!

Indy gets ambushed by Barranca, one of his lackeys. Because this is Dungeon World, the GM must present the situation to the player first, he can't just start rolling damage right away. So Indy hears the revolver as Barranca pulls the hammer back. The player rolls 10+ on his Hack & Slash and the gun goes flying. Barranca flees and now Indy has only one lackey, Satipo.

They arrive at the dungeon. The GM asks "has anyone been here before?" and Indy makes up a competitor, who died trying to raid this dungeon.

Inside the dungeon, Indy gets a 10+ on his Detect Traps roll. The spiders are a bit of colour, and the pit trap is obvious. His first hold tells him to "stay out of the light." His second hold finds the dart traps. That was easy! His third hold tells him there is a pressure tap underneath the idol, but he has no more hold so he doesn't know how to defeat it. He tries to defy danger anyway, and gets a 7-9. He has the idol, but the dungeon is collapsing!

But there's the dart trap. So Indy defies danger with DEX and gets a 7-9. Why a 7-9 you ask? Because yeah, he gets past the darts, but then he finds himself on one end of the pit trap with the idol with Satipo and the whip on the other side. He tries to parley with Satipo, "throw me the whip!" and gets "throw me the idol, I throw you the whip" back at him. In this case, the GM had Satipo ask for a promise first, before the roll, instead of after a 7+ comes up, fully expecting a 7+ to come up. It doesn't, Indy misses the roll. So the GM tells him he throws the idol. Sorry Indy, bad judgment I guess! Satipo drops the whip and fucks off.

Indy defies danger to get across the pit trap, and gets a 10+. The worm turns! Being a fan of the PC, the GM decides to show Indy just how good he is: not only does he get over the pit and past the door, but he finds Satipo dead and claims the idol.

Note: If we want to interpret things differently, Satipo could very well be another PC, with the bond "I admire Indy very much." When he gets killed, the player just makes a new character, who is obviously Marcus Brodie. Unfortunately, he can only play for the first session, and someone else replaces him in future sessions (Marion Ravenwood).

Anyway, finally Indy is about to escape the dungeon, only there is one last trap: a huge boulder rolling down the passageway which is about to seal the entrance! Indy rolls to defy danger with DEX and totally misses it! The GM considers which move to make—he could have Indy locked in the dungeon forever, but this is boring, so he goes with a different move. Indy makes it out in time, it's all good, he's safeBUT NO! There's Belloq with his own lackeys, and he just casually takes the idol away.

One last defy danger to escape while Belloq is impressing his Hovitos lackeys with the idol, and Indy makes it back to the plane and out of South America altogether.

GM: "What's the problem you have with Jacques?"
Indy: "He has a snake in the plane. I hate snakes, Jacques! I hate 'em!"

Then the GM asks him what he does after he gets back and there he is, teaching at UC Berkeley I think, and he has a conversation with Marcus Brodie because he runs a museum.

So, having established that Indy works at a university, goes treasure-hunting on a regular basis, and has an arch-nemesis named Renée Belloq, the GM decides to introduce a front: the Nazis (incidentally, Nazis is the best example front to use when explaining the concept of fronts). So he has two G-men show up and offer Indy a job. They don't really know what this thing that the Nazis want is, so Indy's player gets to make up the details.

Seriously, watch that scene again. The GM, as the two G-men, literally just spouts off some bullshit: Tanis, staff of Ra, Abner Ravenwood, your old mentor. Indy's like "we had a falling out" and then goes on to invent the Ark of the Covenant. Marcus Brodie pipes in about how the ark got to the city of Tanis and why it can't be found. Then Indy goes on to invent the headpiece of the staff of Ra. This is a good ploy, because if he can get the headpiece, this will disrupt the entire danger (Nazi occult hoarders) that the GM is concocting.

Okay, anyway, fast forward. second session, another player shows up, but since this is a Hollywood movie we don't see any of her adventures during the times when Indy isn't around. There's two things about the fight scene in her bar that I want to draw attention to, though:

One is that the GM seems to really, really like setting things on fire as a result of a 7-9 roll. When Nazidude has the hot poker, Indy rolls to disarm him but gets a 7-9, and what happens? He sets the bar on fire. Because fire = awesome, apparently.

Second is that during this fight the GM can see that the two PCs have bitten off a bit more than they can chew, and that this is going to go down one of two ways and it will all be over. So he has the bad guy grab the medallion, burn his hand, and run off, which means that both sides now have the info, but the nazis can have incomplete info. And so the GM can proceed with his grim portents and keep using the Nazis as a threat.

Later on in Cairo, Belloq has Indy cornered, but then we find out that Indy has some custom moves (that sly dog!). Or one at least:

Local Contacts
When you arrive at a new settlement, roll+CHA. On a 7+, you know someone here who can help you. They count as a hireling with points according to the settlement size and will accept friendship as payment. Additionally, on a 10+, they will rescue you from danger once while you are here. On a miss, instead you bring your enemies with you and find no friends here.

Marion tries to escape by getting Belloq drunk, but her parley attempt, "get drunk with me" is only a 7-9, so she has to get drunk too, and in the confusion, the bad guys show up again. Or maybe it's a miss, actually, and so her and Indy wind up in the tomb without the ark. Trapped underground, Indy uses discern realities to find the way out and it seems to work.

And then there's a fight scene. And a chase scene. The operating principle here seems to be something like this:
Player: I rolled a partial hit, looks like.
GM: Oh, I guess some shit catches on fire, then.

What are Indy's stats I wonder? Dexterity and Constitution must be his highest stats and it looks like he uses discern realities and hack & slash a few times. He fails his parley at first, but then there's Local Contacts and his good relations with other people, which makes me think that Intelligence is his dump stat. He only ever spouts archaeological lore, which could be the GM just asking him questions, instead of the other way around, or maybe he has Bardic Lore.

At the end of the last session (which might still be the second one), Indy's got the rocket launcher out and he starts threatening the ark, and then the players notice what time it is and realize they have to wrap it up. Indy's player wants to blow up the ark, but the GM convinces him to let the final ritual happen and the player gives in. The GM describes the ark killing all the Nazis and then the US government files it away. Indy's player is pissed: "That's it? That's the end? I don't get to use the ark? What the fuck?" But Marion's player is like "Cool game guys, that was fun!" and it's all over.

Dazu gbit's auch noch
Apocalypse Now is an old-school D&D hexcrawl.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #254 am: 29.07.2013 | 10:57 »
Es gibt einen Dungeon World-Hack für Shadowrun:
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

Offline Little Indian #5

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #255 am: 29.07.2013 | 12:37 »
Danke für den Link, Grinder. Bist'n echter Chummer.

Kennt eigentlich irgend jemand einen DW-Hack für Star Wars? Das fände ich total toll.
"I want to live forever or die trying." (Groucho Marx)

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"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #257 am: 29.07.2013 | 12:45 »
Kennt eigentlich irgend jemand einen DW-Hack für Star Wars? Das fände ich total toll.

Das hier kommt dem wohl am nächsten:
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

Offline Little Indian #5

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #258 am: 29.07.2013 | 12:53 »
Das hier kommt dem wohl am nächsten:

Ja der ist schon ziemlich cool, ist aber ein "World of Dungeons"-Hack und nicht einer für "Dungeon World" (wenn auch die Unterschiede nicht ganz sooo gravierend sind).
"I want to live forever or die trying." (Groucho Marx)

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #259 am: 29.07.2013 | 18:07 »
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #260 am: 29.07.2013 | 21:16 »
Für den Geburstag von Will Wheaton von Adam und Sage
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #261 am: 5.08.2013 | 10:12 »
Die fertige Preview der Inverse World Klassen, spielbar bis Level 10
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #262 am: 16.08.2013 | 22:50 »
Dungeon World gewinnt Indie Game of the Year
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #263 am: 17.08.2013 | 00:55 »
Das freut mich.  :)
"Du wirst direkt in diesem Moment von einer Zilliarde grünkarierter Kakerlakeneinhörner in Tweedanzügen umzingelt, die mit Fallschirmen aus gebeiztem Vanillepudding aus der nächstgelegenen Dattelpalme springen und dich zu ihrer Avonberaterin krönen - und die Krone ist aus Dr. Frankensteins bösartig mutiertem Killernougat! Streich dir 78000 Hirnschadenspunkte ab und mach sofort eine Jodelimprovisation!"

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #264 am: 17.08.2013 | 08:14 »
Und ein Ennie für beste Regeln.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #265 am: 18.08.2013 | 19:42 »
Habe im Thread nebenan den Dieb übersetzt/eingestellt. Mir fiel (mal wieder) auf: Zu viel Gift und keinerlei Multiclassing, vor allen Dingen, im Gegensatz zu anderen Klassen, irgendwie nicht Cool genug. Bei allen anderen Klassen, beschleicht mich das Gefühl "Will ich spielen", aber ausgerechnet der Dieb (den ich sonst eigentlich bevorzugt spiele) flasht mich nicht so recht.

Gibt es da interessante Alternativen?

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"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #267 am: 18.08.2013 | 22:12 »
Das kommt davon wenn man den Thread nochmal von Vorne zu lesen anfängt und dann bei Seite 6 aufgibt :)

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #268 am: 18.08.2013 | 22:22 »
Das kommt davon wenn man den Thread nochmal von Vorne zu lesen anfängt und dann bei Seite 6 aufgibt :)

Dungeon World Fragen beantworten ist halt was ich kann  ~;D
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #269 am: 19.08.2013 | 22:05 »
DSA Antimagie auf Dungeon World

Antimagic Field
When you channel one of your spells into an antimagic zone choose 1 of your spells and roll+INT. On a hit you create a zone of antimagic, as big as a small room, in which no spell of the channeled spells type (Evocation, Illusion etc.) can be cast. On a 10+ choose 1, on a 7-9 choose 2.
- The zone lasts only for a short moment
- You lose the channeled spell
- The antimagic messes up your own spellcasting abilities, take -1 forward to your next spell
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #270 am: 20.08.2013 | 00:20 »
Eine Antimagische Zone erschaffen indem man Zauber in eine Antimagische Zone pumpt!? Dafür muss man Aventurien besser kennen als ich, oder?

Außerdem "You lose the channeled spell", so wie in "für immer weg", oder eher "you forget it until the next preparation"?

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #271 am: 20.08.2013 | 09:36 »
Naja in Aventurien zauberst du ja Antimagie gegen X Zauber. Das ist allerdings sehr sehr spezifisch und nicht spaßfördernd. Der Move hier hat in etwa die selbe Idee, nur das du nur eben einen allgemeinen Zauber in der Richtung nur brauchst.

Forget ist besser als loose, das stimmt.

Wizard (aber funktioniert auch für andere Klassen) Research Move:

When you dedicate yourself to a research project (be it a new spell, the gathering of knowledge, the improvement of another spell or the creation of an artifact) write it down on your character sheet. The GM will tell you to create a research countdown matching the complexity of your project. They will also give you 1­3 other requirements you must fulfil from the following list
­ You need to gather specific resources
­ You need to gather information at this and that place
­ You need the help of an expert on this subject
­ You need to gather samples at a specific place
­ You will need a week at the end to go over your notes again and puzzle it together
­ It will cost you quite a fortune for components and books etc.
The GM will also tell you 3 actions you can take to advance your Research Countdown. For example to improve one of your spells these could be options:
­ Fail at casting the spell
­ Use the spell on something you never used it on
­ Prepare nothing but that spell for the day (advances 2)
When the countdown is filled up your research is complete and you may reap it’s fruit.
« Letzte Änderung: 20.08.2013 | 09:37 von Praion »
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley


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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #272 am: 23.08.2013 | 09:37 »
Ich mache auch gerade in meinen Blog dafür Werbung aber auch hier einmal rein damit:

Auf Kickstarter läuft gerade ein Projekt namens Grim World, welches ein Setting für Dungeon World mit neuen Playbooks ist. Es wird wohl auche eine Fate Core - Variante geben, aber einfach mal reinschauen. Vielleicht gefällt es ja.  ;)

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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #273 am: 24.08.2013 | 02:06 »
GMing the World - First Session

Das erste Panel über das Spielleiten von Dungeon World und wie man eine erste Session optimal nutzt.
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
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Re: Dungeon World
« Antwort #274 am: 14.09.2013 | 19:01 »
Das zweite Gm'ing the World Panel ist online.
Thema diesmal: Making GM Moves
"Computers! I got two dots in Computers! I go find the bad guy's Computers and I Computers them!!"
Jason Corley