Ich mach hier mal den Kardohan
"Enpeze wrote:
... someone is "on hold" and he has a joker then he must never roll if he wants to interrupt the turn of another participant. Instead he just state this intention...
Someone with the Joker never has to go on Hold. As stated in the book <italics added>, "You can go whenever you want in the round, even interrupting another character’s action if you want!"
Jokers aren't simply the highest card; they are in fact the trump card.
The only time a Joker might have to roll Agility to see who acts first is if two characters with the Joker were trying to act at the exact same time.
Enpeze wrote:
...someone is "on hold" and he has a non-joker card, he must always roll an opposed agilty roll in order to interrupt the turn of another participant...
Enpeze wrote:
So the only difference between someone going on hold and having a joker or or a normal card is that the joker owner dont has to oppose agility?
Not exactly. As noted above, the Joker doesn't have to go "on Hold," plus the character with the "normal card" can't interrupt anyone with a higher card than themselves; they can only go on Hold when their card comes up.
But as far as the actual mechanics of interrupting an action, yes, a character on Hold has to win an opposed Agility roll to interrupt while a character with the Joker interrupts automatically.
Hope that helps.
Clint Black
Savage Worlds Core Rules Brand Manager "