vielleicht gefällt dir das als Alternative, ist ein Build, was ich in einer Runde früher einmal gespielt habe. Mit der richtigen Ausrüstung und einem geschickten Vorgehen kommst du später auf einen Front-loaded damage von 260d6(sneak)+450(craven)+260(ability)+Weapondamage+Enchantments = ~1500dmg beim Encounter. Mit zusätzlicher Range (items/spells) reicht das aus meiner Erfahrung um ganze Encounter zu solo'en.
Rogue Concept: Human (White Dragonspawn template, incl. Buyoff [Dragonlance 222], Major Genie Bloodline)
Rogue 1/Swashbuckler 1/UA Swordsage 1/Rogue+2/Swash+1/Lion Totem Barbarian 1/Cloistered Cleric 1/Rogue+1/Swashbuckler +10
Point Buy:
DEX 18 (20)
CON 14 (16)
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 10
Extra Feat, Extra Skill point
+7Natural Armor, 60(80)ft flying (average), bite attack, claws, breath weapon, lvl 1 sorcerer spells, +2 dex +2con, low-light, darkvision
1: Able Learner [RoD, 150], Craven(Human) [CoR, 17], Dragon Tail[RoTD, 98], Two-Weapon Fighting [PHB], Iron Will (Otyuk Hole)
3: Shadow Blade [ToB, 32]
6: Daring Outlaw [CScr, 76]
(Gloves) Imp. Two-Weapon Fighting [PHB]
9: Snap Kick [ToB, 32]
12: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting [PHB]
15: Darkstalker (Flaw) [LoM, 179]
18: Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting [CW]
(tbd): Staggering Strike [CAdv, 112]
1 (Rogue): Sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
2 (Swash): Weapon Finesse (Class)
3 (UA Sword): Quick to act +1, discipline focus (weapon focus) (or wait for Level 9 if DM doesn't allow retraining maneuvers)
4 (Rogue): Evasion
5 (Rogue): Sneak attack +2d6, Penetrating Strike ACF [Dungeonscape]
6 (Swash): Grace +1
7 (Barba): Fast movement, Whirling Frenzy 1/day (ACF, UA), Spirit Lion Totem ACF [CC]
8 (CloiC): Cloistered Cleric ACF (UA), Bardic Knack ACF (UA), Knowledge Devotion ACF (CC), Slippery Mind ACF (CC, Liberation), Improved Initiative ACF (CC, Time)
9 (Rogue): Uncanny dodge
10ff (Swash): ...
3 (Maneuv): TBD --> Distracting Embers, Sudden Leap, Moment of Perfect Mind, Counter Charge
3 (Stance): Island of Blades
9 (Maneuv): Iron Heart Surge
9 (Stance): Assassin’s Stance
1: 2x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite (1d6 sneak)
3: 2x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite (1d6 sneak)
5: 2x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite (2d6 sneak)
7: 4x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite + 1x extra barb (3d6 sneak)
9: 4x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite + 1x extra barb + 1x Snap Kick (5d6 sneak)
12:6x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite + 1x extra barb + 1x Snap Kick + 1x Haste (7d6 sneak)
18:8x meele + 1x tail + 1x bite + 1x extra barb + 1x Snap Kick + 1x Haste (10d6 sneak)
LG, Jenotus