Medien & Phantastik > Tanelorn - online gaming
The Elder Scrolls: Online
Shihan: Heute machten wir noch mal ein Testlauf mit 2 Chars (1 Pusher 600 CP, 1 Leveler 24), ca. 365% Bonus-EP (100 Gear, 100 Event, 150 Rolle, 5 Gruppe, 10 Abo), Reset nach Arena 6 und neuer Run.
Ergebnis: 1 Stunde, 10 Arenen insgesamt, Level 24 bis 40.
Die Mina ballert mich dann gleich schön auf 50. LOL
Dazu noch:
When you create a group of 2-24 players, each individual kill gets more XP based on total group members. This xp is then split between everyone "in range" of the kill. (Range is defined as the radius where the two group members show as white to each other in the group interface, as opposed to being grayed out if you wander off. If it's grayed out, the xp share stops).
Therefore, if you solo a monster maybe it's worth 1,000 xp. If a 24 person group kills it (that poor, poor Skeever...what have you done?!), it's worth maybe 4,000 xp total...split 24 ways so each group member gets a tiny share. Note that it isn't a simple, direct split. It's like you get a base value of xp for the monster, then you share from a group bonus pool. The system scaling is kinda wonky, and while I've seen a ZOS chart before I can't find one right now.
The bottom line is that when you're in a two person group, each kill nets about 105% as much xp as solo kills...the base value plus group bonus adds up to a tiny bit more. In a 3/4 person group you're earning about the exact same as solo...a little less for four...but you should be able to move through monsters so much faster that your per hour xp is way higher. Any more than four in the group and the xp falls off exponentially. But again...speed.
--- Zitat von: JS am 18.12.2021 | 19:33 ---Die Mina ballert mich dann gleich schön auf 50. LOL
--- Ende Zitat ---
Die Zerstörungsstäbe sind poliert und bereit - mal schaun, wie lange wir für die Blitzparty brauchen. Ich bin gespannt. >;D
1 Stunde maximal, dann wird Ausrüstung für Maxlevel gekauft!
Yay! Dann wollen wir mal alles wegsprengen, was sich uns in den Weg stellt! ;D
Das waren noch mal ca. 50 Minuten von 40 zu 50.
Also, in der Zweierkonstellation denke ich: Ab 10 mit Levelgear und vollen Buffs in 3 Stunden auf 50.
JD habe ich danach mit gleichem Buffniveau von 27 auf 50 plus 321 CP auf 348 CP gebracht in 2 Stunden. Also: Perfekt so.
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