Autor Thema: Freies Schreiben als Übung  (Gelesen 691 mal)

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Freies Schreiben als Übung
« am: 20.05.2017 | 15:50 »
Weil ich das Thema der aktuellen Schreibübungen um Lichtjahre verfehlt habe mache ich einen neuen Thread auf. Keine Regeln außer der Länge. Zwei A4 Seiten sollten ausreichen. Ob Englisch, Deutsch, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror... Das Genre ist frei nach Wahl. Ich freue mich von euch zu lesen.

Ich mache den Anfang mit zwei verschiedenen Beiträgen.


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Re: Freies Schreiben als Übung
« Antwort #1 am: 20.05.2017 | 15:51 »
Eine spontane Einleitung für eine Kurzgeschichte als Geschenk für meine Freundin gedacht. Auf Englisch, weil sie kein Deutsch spricht. Etwas kitschig für meinen Geschmack, aber sie mag das.

The wanderer was barely able to look through the thick leafage, but the sky was covered in dark grey. A downfall outpoured over the forest he was walking through. His steps smacked on the wet soil; his whole body shivered. Everything seemed to be surreal, as if his vision was blurred and his movement in slow-motion. Only his thoughts occurred to be at the right pace.

There was no trace of his guide to be found. But he certainly was sure that he did not come here alone, far away from a home shot straight to hell. Someone showed him this particular path. His joints and ribs hurt. With every single breath he took, his lungs burned like fire.
Do not panic, follow your instincts. Remember your training, he told himself. He propped himself against the mossy side of a tree to his right and slid down to the ground.
If you fall asleep now, you'll die, he thought to himself.
Do not fall asleep.
Do not… fall…

His eyesight faded and darkness came to take him away.
« Letzte Änderung: 20.05.2017 | 15:52 von Jess »


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Re: Freies Schreiben als Übung
« Antwort #2 am: 20.05.2017 | 15:52 »
Eine kurze Schreibübung auf Englisch. Der Inhalt ist egal. Ziel der Übung waren das Gefühl beim Schreiben und möglichst wenige Wörter nachzuschlagen.

I wonder how people can actually enjoy travelling. Like really, how? Nothing interesting is happening at all. The last people I met during one of my stops at the services were a bunch of shady characters minding their own business and so did I. I work in transportation. Nothing fancy, I know, but it pays the bills. The job is easy. Go to point A, have a break until the cargo is loaded into the vehicle and get going. You don't have to do anything. Let others do the back-breaking labour instead. All you have to do is to program the navigation system, hit the ignition and crank up the volume of your favourite music. Sooner or later you'll reach your destination and that's about it. But don't get me wrong here. I don't hate my job per se. Even though it might appear to be rather dull and repetitive, it offers you a lot of benefits you don't get anywhere else. For starters there's all that free time you can spend on thinking about basically anything. As soon as I begin to feel shallow-brained, I just build a perfect utopian society in my head. I always think, can't stop it. Some people say I've got some kind of mental disorder regarding attention, but that's plainly impossible. I just tend to ignore them because it's more interesting to think about stuff compared to focusing on the small-talk gibberish of others on the CB radio. Honestly, what do you want to talk about to me? The weather? It's cold! Actually it's so bloody cold all of us would go mental if we had to stop and fix the vehicle because of a breakdown. The view is nice, though. On the route I run you can always see the sun. I'm not kidding! It's beautiful. Wait a second. What's that clanking noise? I'm going to eat my hat if I have to fix the fucking engine at minus 270 degrees celcius. Is my spacesuit still at the laundry?