Pen & Paper - Spielsysteme > World of Darkness

Informationen zur WoD2

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Selganor [n/a]:
Wir koennen in diesem Thread ja mal die Informationen zusammentragen die sich ueber die WoD2 so finden lassen:

Hier was aus einem Poll bei Inquest:

--- Zitat ---Vampire: The Requiem ? White Wolf, August
The "storytelling" system ? you read that right, goth boy ? has been tweaked as well ? streamlined to be quicker, cleaner and more consistent, though the dots and d10s remain intact and to work for all games set in the World of Darkness. One new feature: a single attack roll that determines both whether you hit your target and how much damage you inflicted.
According to designer Bill Bridges, "you can build your character as a mortal and then inflict a supernatural transformation upon him. This way, you can actually play out preludes over a number of sessions before a character becomes Embraced into the world of eternal night."
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Also doch noch Storyteller, dots und d10s...

Und noch was aus Inquest 108:

--- Zitat ---I doubt I'd be able to put the entire sidebar in here, but as a preview Justin mentioned that the only clan names we'll recognize as such are Nosferatu, Gangrel, and Ventrue.
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Also doch nicht GANZ so "losgeloest" vom alten Hintergrund ;)

Hat noch jemand was gefunden?

Diskussionen/Nachfragen/... bitte unter eigenem Thread, den sollten wir fuer Informationen "sauber" halten.

Aus der Wolfspoor:

--- Zitat ---The World of Darkness Rulebook (WW55000) and Vampire: The Requiem (WW25000)will be released on 21 August 2004.
Werewolf the Forsaken will be released in November 2004. Mage: The Awakening will be released in March 2005.
The Rulebook will be priced at $19.99. Vampire will be priced at $34.99.
Dice pools will still be used.
"...None of the continuity or assumptions from the 1991-2003 material carry over."
"A free 32-page introductory game [will be] sent through distribution and inserted into Dragon...."
The Rulebook will contain mortal character creation, and general combat rules. The Vampire book will give details on "embracing" mortal characters, as well as background and disiplines. Future "monster" books will follow a similar format.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Die Logos der neuen WOD und von V:tR sind veröffentlicht:

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Selganor [n/a]:
Das Vampire-Logo erinnert mich stark an Blade aber das WoD-Logo gefaellt mir...

Boba Fett:
Gibt es schon Infos über das WoD Setting?


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