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Informationen zur WoD2

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Monkey McPants:

Auchtung, Achtung, seit neuestem gibt es auf ein Domabenteuer, das einige neue Informationen enthält. Es ist, wie man bisher von Justin Achili gehört hat noch etwas "buggy" (Soll heißen es spiegelt nicht perfekt das Endprodukt wieder.), ist aber recht interessant zu lesen. Es enthält auch mehrere Beispielcharaktere, mit der Beschribung ihrer Fähigkeiten.

Zu finden ist das Abenteuer und die anderen Infos hier.


Monkey McPants:
Hier is ein weiterer Sneak Peak, diesmal von hier.

Spear of Destiny, Spear of Undeath
The Lancea Sanctum bring the fear of God to Vampire: The Requiem

Clan, a Kindred’s heritage in blood, is only part of what defines a character in Vampire: The Requiem, White Wolf’s all-new game of contemporary horror. More important than heritage is whom a vampire associates with and just what she believes. These two concepts form the basis of covenants, large associations of Kindred who coexist and compete in a Prince’s domain. Political expediency binds some of these covenants together, while others operate as secret societies and occult brotherhoods. The most terrifying, however, are those bound by the harsh faith of the Damned - the Lancea Sanctum.

It Began On Calvary

The catechism of the Lancea Sanctum (literally, “Holy Spear”) [ACHTUNG: Laut einem Post von Justin Achilli auf ist diese Übersetzung falsch und wird im endgültigen Spiel anders lauten. Threads zu dem Thema findet man auf] is that the covenant’s members are the ideological descendants of Longinus, the Roman centurion who used his spear to prod Christ on the cross. According to the covenant’s dogma, some of Christ’s blood dripped onto the soldier, and this blood gave the centurion eternal life. It also carried with it, however, divine retribution, and though Longinus’ act revealed Christ’s divinity, it did so after an act of faithlessness on the soldier’s part. Thereafter, Longinus was cursed to live eternally, but he could walk only at night and subsist only on the same blood that had proved his undoing. The curse laid on Longinus exposed vampires as a form of “original sin,” though God allows them to exist, and indeed even charges them with the task of representing the risks of His divine displeasure. The covenant’s ideologues claim that before the Crucifixion vampires either did not exist at all or were feral beasts. It was the centurion’s cruelty and his divine punishment that gave the Damned the purpose to hold back the Beast by becoming instruments of divine will - and divine wrath.

Holy Monsters in an Unholy World

The Sanctified (as younger members of the covenant call themselves) are the religious and even moral backbone of the Kindred, but they are also self-appointed priests and inquisitors. The most inhuman of an inhuman race, they exalt the role of predator, seeing themselves as divinely appointed monsters. The world being full of sin, it is their duty to bring the fear of God (or simply fear itself) to all His wayward children so that they may be scourged and made ready for salvation. Universally respected yet universally feared, this covenant constantly seeks power over all Kindred everywhere, not for political rule, but to enforce the dictates, attitudes and even thoughts that they believe have been handed down to them from their originator Longinus, and by extension from God Himself.

Laut dem oben erwähnten Entwickler soll diese Gruppe weniger der Speer Gottes sein, sondern die Hüter des Speeres. Wie das jetzt genau sein wird zeigt sich, wenn das Buch tatsächlich veröffentlicht wird, aber alles in allem finde ich den bisherigen Stil der NWoD recht nett.


Selganor [n/a]:
Also doch Patzer: (Zitat aus dem Demo)

--- Zitat ---Chance Die: If modifiers reduce your dice pool
to zero dice (or even less), you should roll a single
die (called a chance die). A 10 rolled on a chance die
generates a single success, while any other result is a
failure. Rolling a 1 on a chance die indicates a dramatic
failure, and the Storyteller should describe especially
troublesome results (a gun jamming, a blowout
during a car chase, etc.).
--- Ende Zitat ---

Das Grundregelwerk hat 224 Seiten. Der Preis für den ersten Druck bleibt bei 19.95$. Die Nachdrucke werden alle 24.95$ kosten.

Selganor [n/a]:
Diese Woche bei

Appendix II: New Orleans


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