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Sentenced - Greatest Kills..welche Songs sind drauf ?



kann mir wer sagen von welchen Alben die Songs auf der Greatest Kills Best Of sind ?

Hier die Tracklist von Greatest Kills
 01 Noose
 02 Nepenthe
 03 Sun won't shine
 04 Dance on the graves
 05 The way I wanna go
 06 White wedding
 07 My sky is darker than thine
 08 The trooper
 09 New age messiah
 10 Desert by night
 11 No tomorrow
 12 The truth
 13 Awaiting the winter frost
 14 Crumbling Down
 15 In memoriam

 01 Noose -> Down
 02 Nepenthe -> Amok
 03 Sun won't shine -> Down
 04 Dance on the graves -> Amok
 05 The way I wanna go -> Love And Death EP
 06 White wedding -> Love And Death EP
 07 My sky is darker than thine -> North from here
 08 The trooper -> Shadows of the Past/North from here
 09 New age messiah  -> Amok
 10 Desert by night -> Shadows of the Past/North from here
 11 No tomorrow  -> ?
 12 The truth -> Shadows of the Past/North from here
 13 Awaiting the winter frost -> Shadows of the Past/North from here
 14 Crumbling Down -> Down
 15 In memoriam -> Shadows of the Past/North from here

Dreckiger Lude:
hier, suchs dir selber raus :)

OK, dank Euch...


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