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Autor Thema: A Dirty World / Bewertung & Rezensionen  (Gelesen 1773 mal)

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A Dirty World / Bewertung & Rezensionen
« am: 2.08.2017 | 14:44 »
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A Dirty World

Hier gelangt ihr zu der Auswertung und Übersicht bereits bewerteter Regel- und Quellen-Bände:,96807.0.html

A roleplaying game of angry decisions, ugly ethics, and black city streets. A game of film noir. "A Dirty World" rethinks the One Roll Engine to focus relentlessly on character. Hard-boiled private eyes, dirty cops and femmes fatale make their hard choices and hide their grubby secrets.

"A Dirty World" features...

* A unified conflict mechanic, where gunfights, duels of deceit and emotional blackmail not only work the same way, but fuse seamlessly.

* "Swift Justice" character development. Instead of tracking and spending points, your character's abilities improve in direct reaction to the game's events.

* One-Roll Mysteries, a mechanic to spit out intricate plots with one throw of the dice.

* Rules that don't merely support drama, they are drama. Only meaningful choices push your character forward. There is no easy way, by definition.