Medien & Phantastik > Tanelorn - online gaming
[Elite Dangerous] Der Tanelorn-Wing
Ich bin die Tage auch wieder ein bißchen aktiv. Die haben ja die Belohnungen für Kampf erhöht und da wollte ich mal gucken, hab jetzt schon wieder ein bissle mit nem Kumpel Piraten gejagt.
--- Zitat von: Quaint am 9.12.2020 | 16:02 ---Ich bin die Tage auch wieder ein bißchen aktiv. Die haben ja die Belohnungen für Kampf erhöht und da wollte ich mal gucken, hab jetzt schon wieder ein bissle mit nem Kumpel Piraten gejagt.
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Oh, wieviel schütten sie jetzt aus? Bisher waren es ja für die Allied-Missionen iirc sowas um die 4-500.000cr pro Pirat für jeden im Wing plus Kopfgeld.
Nur zur Info: Das sind immer noch die "Baller 50 Piraten ab" Missionen, für die man in ein Gebiet fliegt, um dort dann mehr oder weniger flott die 50 NSC zu killen?
--- Zitat ---Bounties
Bounties from NPCs will see significant increases from approximately four times as much for the highest paying ones to ten times as much for the lower paying ones. Please note that the number of credits shown immediately in your HUD when you destroy a criminal ship won't display the newly increased amounts. This will need to wait until we're certain of the final numbers. Accurate bounty figures can be found in the Transactions tab in your left panel.
Solo Combat Missions
We're also increasing the payouts for Massacre and Assassination missions. Several economic factors affect the pay offered, but we expect these to grant around twice as many credits as before. For now, we've opted not to change Wing Massacre Missions following reports of consistently high payouts from these but we remain open to feedback.
For both Bounties and Solo Combat Missions, the changes will be carefully examined throughout the following days and weeks to review their effects and allows time for feedback.
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--- Zitat ---Combat Bonds
High-end NPC combat bonds will provide many more credits, seeing an increase from around 80,000Cr to 400,000Cr. Similar to the recently updated bounties values, the HUD will not reflect the new figure after a kill, but the transaction tab will. These may (rarely) appear to be issued by the Pilot's Federation.
Anti-Xeno Combat
Thargoid combat bonds will provide 4x as many credits as before.
The experience gained from Thargoids which contributes to Combat rank has been re-scaled. This means that Thargoid scouts will provide less than before, however each interceptor will offer more than the last, all the way up to Hydras. The exact amount earned will vary according to the number of pilots who contribute to the kill as well as their various combat ranks.
Delivery Missions
The increase in minable commodity prices has had an unexpectedly large effect on delivery missions due to compounding multipliers, allowing large numbers of credits to be earned with minimal risk and effort. To re-focus the earnings on the effort made, the rewards for these have been changed so that the distance travelled and quantity transported has a larger effect on the pay. Payouts remain relatively high and will be monitored for any further necessary adjustments.
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Naja, die Wingmissionen sind wie vorher. Die Kopfgelder sind wie angesagt höher, da kommen schonmal 10-20 Mio pro Stunde zusammen. Und die Single Player Massakermissionen sind besser, da habe ich schon über 1 Mio pro Kill gesehen.
Je nachdem wie man die Missionen gestackt bekommt ist es also schon ein netter Zugewinn.
Der größte Zugewinn ist aber natürlich, wenn man alleine unterwegs ist.
Im Wing war es ja früher schon echt ok, sagen jedenfalls die 3 Milliarden ungrad die ich mit Piratenjagd im Wing gemacht habe.
Und mal in Kriegsgebiete zu fliegen dürfte halt auch interessanter geworden sein, und potentiell ne nette Abwechslung zu den Piraten.
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