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Regeln für Berserker

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So, ich habe noch mal nachgeschaut:

--- Zitat von: BattleLust ---
* They always Attack or Count-Attack in combat and use any Tactical Advantage gained to press that attack.
* All combat results are critical. That is, both success results are critical success, and both failure results are critical failure.
* Any future Morale checks are ignored.
* They are always considered to be leaderless warriors.
--- Ende Zitat ---

Das ist das Resultat

--- Zitat ---Berserker Rules

A berserker character must go berserk whenever he faces a real physical threat. This is rather a reflex than a conscious decision. It is the character's way of fighting. Exceptions may be training fights or attacks by hopelessly inferior opponents (children, drunks, etc.). In rare cases (i.e. the berserker character is forced to fight against a friend) the GM may allow a will check to avoid going berserk but this is totally up to the GM and should be a rare exception.

A character going berserk must always take the most aggressive action available for attack and defense. He has to attack the enemy closest to him and will move towards him taking the most direct route possible. The berserker will always rush towards his enemy (sprint).

The EML for attack and counterattack is raised by +20. He also gains an extra d6 for damage rolls.

A character going berserk ignores all wound of level M and S. No shock, stumble or fumble roll has to be made and he doesn't suffer any physical penalty from those wounds. Wounds of level G and K are handled normally, however.The character has to roll against shock, stumble, fumble, amputation or kill. He will suffer from bleeders and physical penalty.

A berserker character may not use any other ranged weapons than javelins or throwing axes.

If a berserker character is moving towards an enemy he may only actively defend against ranged attacks coming from the front. The berserker may only passively defend against all ranged attacks from the sides. Once the berserker is engaged he can't defend against any ranged attacks.

The berskerer rage ends automatically as soon as all opponents are defeated or he is defeated himself. A berserker can't surrender but he is able to tell friend from foe and will accept an opponent's surrender if the opponent throws away his weapons or throws himself at his feet. As soon as the berserker rage ends the berserker character suffers F3 fatigue. It takes 10 minutes rest to recover from each point of fatigue.

The berserker has to roll an extra shock roll after the berserker rage is over unless he already fell unconscious during the fight. Determine the charakter's EML considering all physical penalties from wounds as well as the F3 fatigue. If the roll is failed the character falls into a shock (see Physician 4 for recovery).
--- Ende Zitat ---

Noch einmal Danke für euren input.

Kalter Stahl:
1w6 mehr ist aber ganz schön viel. Ich plane da genau einen Punkt Wucht drauf zu packen und +20 attack ^^

Im Band "Barbarians" ist Berzerk in Verbindung einer Invocation eingeführt.


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