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Emma Swansson
Emma Swansson hat keine definitiven Superkräfte (abgesehen davon, besonders hart gesotten zu sein wie der Rest der Helden), aber dafür ein außerirdisches, symbiotisches Gewehr aus den Labors ihres Mannes. Im Brettspiel kann sie Punkte ausgeben, um nach Treffern mit dem "Symbiote Rifle" eigene Verwundungen zu heilen, oder Extra-Schussattacken zu kaufen. Das habe ich wie folgt umgesetzt:
Emma SwanssonAttributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Healing d4, Notice d8, Investigation d8, Persuasion d8, Riding d6, Shooting d12+1, Stealth d8
Charisma: +4/+2,
Pace: 6,
Parry: 6,
Toughness: 8
Hindrances: Bad Reputation (frivolous escapades), Code of Honor (British Lady), Loyal
Edges: Very Attractive, Arcane Background: Super Powers, Crack Shot, Elan, Level Headed, No Mercy, Return Fire, Rich, The Best There Is (Ranged Attack)
Extraordinary Powers:- Extra Action (3, -2): This power allows a hero to take one additional action per round with no multi-action penalty; Contingent (-2): Only after successful Ranged Attack with Symbiote Rifle.
- Healing (5, -2, -2): Heal wounds of characters with a touch; Limitation (-2): Can heal only herself; Contingent (-2): Only after successful Ranged Attack with Symbiote Rifle.
- Ranged Attack (2, +1, +4, -1): Range 12/24/48; Armor Piercing (+1): AP 2; Enhanced Damage (+4): 2d10 dmg; Rate of Fire (3): RoF 2 with no penalty; Device (-1): Symbiote Rifle; Limitation (-1): doesn't affect Ambassadors (Aliens); Slow to Activate (-1): 1 action to make ready.
- Super Edge (2): Elan.
- Super Edge (2): Return Fire.
- Toughness (2): Toughness +2 (=8).
Languages: English, French, Latin
Drago ist der klassische "Superhelden-Werwolf" (wie in Werewolf: The Apocalypse). Seine Kräfte sind nicht besonders schwierig:
DragoAttributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8 (d12+2 while transformed), Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d10 (d12+2 while transformed), Notice d8, Intimidation d8, Investigation d4, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Survival d4, Tracking d6
Charisma: 0/-4,
Pace: 6,
Parry: 7,
Toughness: 10 (12 in werewolf form)
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty (predatorial behaviour), Code of Honor (Chivalry), Loyal, Minor Vow (aid the Wheel in protecting nature)
Edges: Alertness, Arcane Background: Super Powers, Berserk, Brawny, Rich, The Best There Is (Growth Power)
Extraordinary Powers:- Growth (5): Size, Strength, & Toughness +2 while in Werewolf form; Slow to activate (-1): Takes an action spent with howling and trembling with pain.
- Melee Attack (4): Str+1d6 with claws & fangs; Multiple Attacks: All melee attacks in a round get the bonus damage; Contingent: Not usable without activated Growth Power.
- Heightened Senses (2): Low light vision, Tracking.
- Super Edge (1): Sweep; Contingent: Not usable without activated Growth Power.
- Super Strength (3): Strength +2 additional steps; Contingent: Not usable without activated Growth Power.
- Super Skill (2): Fighting +3 steps (d12+2); Contingent: Not usable without activated Growth Power.
- Toughness (3): Toughness +3 (=10)
Languages: Wallachian, English