Die Vorbestellung ist dann jetzt freigeschaltet und, für Freunde des gedruckten Buches vielleicht wichtiger, als voraussichtlicher Liefertermin wird der 23. April dieses Jahres genannt.
Außerdem gibt es auf der Produktseite auch ein paar Infos zum Inhalt. Einerseits soll es settingbezogene Informationen geben:
Pendragon: The Gamemaster’s Handbook greatly expands the setting of the game. From highlights of important characters and time periods, to courtly intrigue and a myriad of strange and wondrous beasts, spirits, fairies and fiends which lurk in the dark places of Arthur’s Britain. The book also includes in-depth discussions of religion and magic, and how to use them in your game.
In addition to guidelines for fine-tuning the game to your preferred style of play, this book contains an entire section dedicated to ‘Arthurian Acts’. These expanded rules cover events such as tournaments, seduction, and an entire system for running Feasts, where gossip, courtesy, and Honor hold sway. Inside, you’ll also find rules for running battles, from the smallest skirmish to the most legendary clash of arms!
Andererseits auch zwei neue Abenteuer/Szenarien:
The Adventure of the Crucible
This scenario, intended for starting characters, is the perfect way to kick off your Pendragon campaign. Lords, ladies, allies, and rivals are introduced as the Player-squires earn their spurs in a time of anarchy and desperation.
The Adventure of the King's Gambit
The County of Sarum faces annihilation when the Saxons of Wessex launch an invasion. Can the Player-knights break through enemy lines and ride for aid in time?
Alles weitere dann hier: