Autor Thema: Svilland: A Norse Mythology Setting  (Gelesen 870 mal)

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Online Mr. Ohnesorge

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Svilland: A Norse Mythology Setting
« am: 11.09.2018 | 09:07 »

Svilland is a Norse Mythology inspired D&D 5E campaign setting; it is designed to bring the valour, brutality and drama from Norse tales to your roleplaying games. The game is compatible with 5E, but its theme and dynamics are very different than your usual high fantasy game. Sure, there is magic in this realm, a plenty of it even. Yet, it is given in a way that reflects omens, spirits, runes and Norse deities with their true forms in the mythology. In Svilland you will learn the true meaning of blood, magic, raids, and wrath of the gods.

Sieht mal ganz nett aus und bietet eine Menge Content für 5E.

Preview gibt es hier.  :headbang:
"These things are romanticized, but in the end they're only colorful lies." - This Is Hell, Polygraph Cheaters

Offline Koruun

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Re: Svilland: A Norse Mythology Setting
« Antwort #1 am: 18.12.2019 | 16:49 »
Mein Buch kam heute an - genau jetzt wo ich bis Neujahr kaum wirklich Zeit habe mal was zu lesen, weil mit DCC schon genug der kargen Rollenspielhobbylesefreizeit drauf geht.  :D
Kommt es erstmal ins Regal. Vielleicht mal schnell durchblättern, aber dann müsste ich die Folie abziehen...
"The only thing standing in the way of unique characters in OSR is a lack of creativity and a reliance on words printed by other people."

"Once the veneer of fantasy is stripped off, the setting terrestrialized, and the orcs recognized as human, then, all the classic themes of Western racist thought become immediately visible."